Kinda shitty?
Kinda shitty?
First time i’ve heard of it. I’ve just checked it out looks like it’ll be my new goto-site, thanks :)
Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?
I use library genisis. Great for scientific papers and adequate for fiction.
I’d say time well spent. Good job! :P
You mean the culture of reporting and talking about it, right?
You might be interested in projects like https://openhab.org, or https://mycroft.ai
I have tinkered with mycroft in the past and it was kinda finnicky at the time, but overal a great idea(an assistant like google or alexa but privacy oriented). A colleague of mine uses openhab for everything but security(his wife objected to that lol).
For starters i’d recommend some single board computer like the a raspberrypi, a speaker and a microphone and maybe try one of these (https://www.electromaker.io/blog/article/9-best-raspberry-pi-smart-home-software-options) out yourself.
I have a yubikey and use their pam-module for 2FA on sudo and ssh. Took a bit of time to configure, but now it works like charm: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/YubiKey#Linux_user_authentication_with_PAM
Well, if there is nof fixed (explicit or implicit) type it’s imposible for the compiler to optimise your code. Also imho programming with typed languages is way easier because your IDE can recognize function argumentd before you compile/run. I tried python and found it baffling how anyone can get any work done with it :D