Not our problem your president broke the agreement.
Hello thanks for visiting my profile.
For any picture posts I make with the [OC] tag, I provide a license for you to use my photo under the terms of CC-BY-SA-4.0. You may DM me for questions.
Not our problem your president broke the agreement.
Who knows, maybe the glitch was that Meta was only trying to suppress news of natural disaster events in the Carolinas but Australia got caught in the filter?
On the contrary, I think this is a responsible way to operate. The terms of use apply to the Mozilla distributed binary, not the open source version and open source forks, and I don’t think additional terms shut them out of that. The privacy policy is clear, concise as can be and links so that people can jump directly to what is being collected.
The main difference is that the Brazilian Supreme Court judges have a spine, while American SC judges have an RV.
I’ve so far not had success with my Akai EIE Pro on Linux.
Ooooh nice going! Saved this post because once in a blue moon I come up with short jingles, and I’ve been wanting a software that can record MIDI stuff without lag.
How many times does the US administration have to repeat it for it to stop being an accident.
They’ve done this with the national nuclear stockpile also: fire nearly everyone and try to figure out who they need based on what they broke.
My bad I had the timeline of events messed up. Edited.
I’m hoping nobody, anywhere. But I’m saying that even if there were dumbasses there would be still time in this case to save yourself.
Looking at it, fortunately it looks like there was just enough time for anyone without a seatbelt to put it on instinctively, before the plane rolled over.
A spectacular response by YYZ’s emergency crew in snowy conditions.
This proves (again) that supporting the invasion and genocide is antisemitic.
All hail Canada’s notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice system of copyright enforcement!
“They know exactly who they are looking for, they know pretty much where to find them,” Homan said, referring to immigrants who were in the country illegally and who have committed a crime.
This is something that Marian [one of the migrants detained on false premises] was on board with.
“I’ve always said, we might be from the same country, but we are 100 percent in agreement that if someone harms someone that person should leave,” Marian said in Spanish. “But I never made that comment thinking it could happen to me and my family.”
And here I am waiting for Sup to be released by an adrenaline-filled code-junkie from Grand Prairie, Alberta…
just how destructive Elon Musk’s incursion into the U.S. government is be.
A door opening contact sensor.
Okay, title has been updated to clarify the situation. At the moment, it’s neither confirmed source-available only nor confirmed FOSS. Hopefully that clears it up and nobody’s confused.
I never claimed it’s FOSS, license is to be included by the creator. If it is part of the same project as the backend, it may be GNU AGPL-3.
If that’s not satisfactory, let me know and I will put (Source Available) in the title.
He is a very busy man at the moment, as you can probably imagine. But yes we should make sure the license is included in the coming days to make it truly free. He still has yet to add documentation, but said on Mastodon that is coming soon.
And a mix of available copies/qualities are better.