Simple solution: only allow lower case characters in file names.
Simple solution: only allow lower case characters in file names.
Of myself of the now dead purpetrator?
I doubt they do mich different than you do with their OS.
People are more motivated by feelings than actual logic. The person you are responding to even states that Ubuntu “feels good to use”. That is some car advertisement level of feeling based reasoning.
Another thing is that people really hate it when things change. Especially a UI change. Every change in the Windows UI has been met with disgust. And if there is one thing different between linux distros, it’s where they place all the buttons, menus, etc. So people prefer to stay with the distro they know.
The worst thing is: you can’t even put an int in a json file. Only doubles. For most people that is fine, since a double can function as a 32 bit int. But not when you are using 64 bit identifiers or timestamps.
It is only logical that an algorithm trained on the ways of a Vulcan, is precise and accurate in it operation and communication. Vastly more fascinating are the result when you ask it to behave like a human.
The problem with C++ is not the lack of safety features. It’s the ever lasting backwards compatibility that is keeping it both alive and down at the same time.
Having to support 50 year old code, is going to limit any restriction you place. But it is usually the restrictions that make a language good.
Example: You can write perfectly good modern C++ code without any pointers. But pointers are so ingrained into the language, that it is impossible to remove them.
Google is not a mobile phone network provider. SMS routing is not really their cup of tea. It is an industry with lots of established players, lota of local issues, and little to gain for Google. If it where up to Google, everyone would be using their app instead of SMS.
I don’t understand why someone would want to rent their car. Maintenance is not that hard, and companies always make you pay way more for their subscription models. By owning the car, you can pick who does maintenance. Meaning there can be competition, so prices/quality remains good.
For some, this subscription model is great. But do you agree, that is it a bad thing if they force it on us?
“You can simply remove the appraiserres.dll file in the Windows 11 ISO file to make the Setup avoid these checks and install Windows 11 on any unsupported hardware too.” From the following article:
That sounds hard, but Rufus made this easy. Just select the right option. So just use Rufus to create the install usb:
This also allows local accounts, and disables all the tracking bullshit with a single click each.
Disabling the tpm requirement is just a registry hack in win 10, or a selectable option when creating an install usb with rufus.
I think they will make a simple calculation; What is going to cost more: The bad PR of nolonger updating 240 million pc’s, or accepting that a small portion of your users does not have tpm?
They haven’t stopped advanced users from installing win11 on older hardware so far. So no loss there. I also doubt they lose enterprise money if they allow win10 to upgrade regardless, as tpm is now well entrenched as the default on new hardware.
Or just circumvent the “requiments” that are so required that a few registry hacks disable them, allowing you upgrade to win11 via windows update.
Or if you want a fresh install, use rufus to create the install usb stick, and select the option to disable the tpm requirement.
This info needs to be more widespread.
I already saw this happening on Reddit. The largest subreddit were filled with generic posts. They got a lot of content, not necessarily good content. But there were plenty of small or medium sized subreddits that had much better content. The Fediverse feels like it is missing the big subreddits. It also feels too small to have the small niche subreddits. What is here in terms of content feels more like a few medium sized subreddits.
There is also a sizable market for laptops that do not do much more than log onto a remote desktop. Especially with remote working, that has becomes the perfect middle ground between security, cost, and ease of use. A cheap ARM processor would work perfectly for those machines.
Good point. But if I read the article correctly, the UK navy has no issue with these non Chinese nationals.
Yup. This entire article sounds like sensasionalism. They mention the word ‘race’ several times. But Chinese is not a race, it is a nationality.
I love this show for the fact that at one point, this guys water is actually used as a solution for some random problem. None of the nonsense is left as just nonsense, it is all part of the world.
I’m currently driving a Scoda Fabia myself. The globe box just broke, because something inside got stuck, and the 20 year old plastic handle just didn’t want to budge, and broke instead. Meanwhile, I just drove 1500km in it over the span of 3 days. It just keeps chugging along.
Do you mean that programming languages are hard to read/write, or that the languages themselves are poorly designed?
In the former case, I invite you to read machine code. Not assembly, but straight machine code. Just zeros and ones as far as the editor can see. Any popular language is better than that.
In the latter case, I invite you to look at the design of an arbitrary natural language. Weird grammer rules, regional differences, loan words that don’t fit in, etc. No programmming language is worse than that. Although I would argue that Javascript has all of those problems too in some degree.