You can also search for “starter packs” of helpful people to follow in whatever you are interested in, e.g., history, cooking, overthrowing the government, etc.
A tool using primate, probably friendly. Likes cookies.
You can also search for “starter packs” of helpful people to follow in whatever you are interested in, e.g., history, cooking, overthrowing the government, etc.
Great. Now how do I get them to delete my data and account?
This is the second thread I’ve seen today with contentious talk about sharpening knives, and I have to ask both sides: do none of you live near a knife sharpening place? I pay EUR 5 per knife two to three times a year, and my knives are always sharp.
Dull knives are dangerous and make prep real chore.
Haven’t been there in a decade despite having been there for a decade and helping many real people in real life from there, and I’d have to say: depends on who the target of the violence is and whether or not it’s phased in the subjunctive mood.
Well you have just described Metafilter. I’m a liberal a lefty as can be, and eventually even I got tired of the drama and obvious virtue signaling. And at the end of the day, drama and less-than-appropriate virtue signaling were what the mods wanted.
I too am skeptical, but there have been so many of these the last few days… is it just a new meme?
And the SWIFT System.
Not OP but can I just comment that there are some high-quality answers here, good discussion. Thanks!
Comment saved, thanks.
If you finally achieve this please make a post about how you did it!
I would I would! But I cannot seem to find a decent one since Google killed theirs! What’s a good one?
I could keep up with so much more when I used RSS.
Not related to the article, totally anecdotal, and n=1, but it seems Google Maps has really dropped the ball as well.
I like the cut of your jib!
Don’t have anything to contribute, but saving this post for its very useful content!
There is a big difference between a person or group of people being religious nutjobs and a nation basing holidays received and (in most developed nations, neutered) traditions
Thank you for the measured response.
There are already cryptocurrency features in the Signal app of dubious utility.
Yeah, that was a bizarre move, but it doesn’t interfere or interoperate with any of its comms functions. Also I have never even read online about anyone using this crypto feature, let alone known any one who did.
If they love you they will download an app for you. And it’s important to keep in mind that most modern mobile OSes will stop showing notifications from an app or even hide the app if the users doesn’t open it after X amount of time.
So it’s up to you to keep the conversation alive enough they get used to using it. If my 83 year old father can, so can your friends.
Hey, if they get traction, it’s a start.