My company does not do drug tests and never has. Someone asked the owner why and he said ‘Id lose a lot of good people’
My company does not do drug tests and never has. Someone asked the owner why and he said ‘Id lose a lot of good people’
I was thinking the same thing. It’s all written in such a way to make people mad and get them to respond. It’s like being back on reddit!
Not sure why you’re getting shit on. Actually, I do know. Many people think everyone is as tech savvy as they are. It would blow many people’s minds they could install an operating system. Their computer comes with it like their iPhone comes with iOS. A lot of people just can’t figure things out for themselves. They can google it, but then will see a bunch of crazy commands to copy and paste. And there’s a good chance that if they do ask for some help. People will tell them their dumb and should be able to figure things out on their own and that linux is too much for them.
Also, this is from a guy who can use Linux at an average level.
Man. So glad NAS is in my computer toy budget next year
Torrentleech is a good general tracker. It can be slow to grow ratio, but have most everything commonly.
I know that I would be fucking irate if someone stole the ashes of my pet. I don’t believe in any sort of afterlife, I know it’s just ash and bone fragments and she doesn’t really exist anymore. I’ve never visited a deceased relative grave after a funeral because I feel its a pointless gesture, but for some reason I still go touch the box she’s in because it makes me feel better and I still miss her.
I try to be a logical person but if someone took that from me I would raise hell.
How long until information from our conversations is recorded and sold to data firms that will in turn use it to sell to us, or hacked and personal conversations exposed.
A block is probably worth something to them though. It shows you viewed it and interacted, even if it was to block it.
It does look like it should rhyme with Sorry
This is a well reasoned answer. If this were my instance I would also ban communities linking to pirated software. A single lawsuit and lawyer bill for a regular guy, and that can fuck your life up all because you tried to run a decent community. I have a username I use for browsing lemmynsfw, I’ll make one for browsing piracy related things too.
I can fix this for you. Garry Newman is 41 and new is spelled correctly. https://garry.net/
Racist homophobic incels.
Man, I miss Fuddruckers.
They’re good people who take good care of me.