Tell me you understand nothing about the risks of pregnancy without telling me.
Natural miscarriages =/= abortions.
One is planned, controlled for, with after care. The other one can potentially lead to sepsis and death.
Tell me you understand nothing about the risks of pregnancy without telling me.
Natural miscarriages =/= abortions.
One is planned, controlled for, with after care. The other one can potentially lead to sepsis and death.
Great! So glad I’m responsible for building schools, teaching, paving roads, making baby formula, developing vaccines, providing neonatal care, being a pediatrician, providing daycare, being a dentist, being a pharmacist, growing food, being a bus driver, and more!
Or does the word ‘infrastructure’ not exist in your vocabulary?
I don’t agree with how it’s presented in the article, but I do agree that declining marriage rates can be as much of a good sign as much as it’s bad.
It’s a great thing that more people, especially women, are able to decide if marriage is the right choice for them. It’s a bad thing that for people who are interested in marriage or a lifelong partner, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a partner. There is a loneliness epidemic going on, and it is getting increasingly difficult to get to know people due to rising work hours, burn out, lack of public and walkable spaces, lack of vacation days, rising costs of living, political radicalization, social distancing during covid, mental health decline, dating culture, gendered expectations, and so on.
It’s not a bad thing that people are remaining single, it’s a bad thing that for some people this choice was made for them due to the circumstances they are in. Ideally, people would get to decide whether they want to stay single or get married. Right now the options are stay single or go through the ever increasing hurdles of finding a partner when you are already struggling to get by yourself.
When people are happy, have healthcare, affordable housing, and livable wages, marriage is much more affordable. Right now, we have none of that and declining marriage rates are as much a sign that marriage has become optional as it has become non-viable.
What about people who are hard of hearing?
Casual misogyny isn’t meant to hurt anyone either but it still does.
As a chronic pain sufferer this is too real.
SkYlAr Is A bItCh!!
- 14 year olds who can’t see women as people and glorifies drug lords and crime
Edit: thanks for the formatting tip
Br***** people. Don’t be so crude please.
For anyone claiming that this isn’t enough, remember that Norway’s population is 5.4 million. If the fine were raised any higher, Facebook can simply not do business there. The goal is to get Facebook to comply with the law, not to remove them.
"This decision “does not ban Facebook or Instagram in Norway,” Tobias Judin, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority’s international department head, stated in a release. “The purpose is rather to ensure that people in Norway can use these services in a secure way and that their rights are safeguarded.” - > AP News
At face value many people would say that Facebook pulling out is a good thing, but it’s not that simple. Lots of small businesses rely on social media. People would be losing a forum for political discourse, no matter how fake news infested it may be. People who rely on it to initiate social interaction will have to find a different channel now. They are so conditioned to the convenience of staying connected with friends and family through social media that it has eroded forms of communication. This isn’t a judgment on social media users, this is just stating how social interactions have changed and how detrimental removing these tools can be.
Facebook has around 3 billion users. It’s economic impact is estimated at 227 billion USD. It’s part of the fabric of society, especially for people with poor media literacy. Good luck pulling the plug on that.
Uncle Iroh would be proud
Many contractors for Alphabet companies do functionally the same work as employees yet get paid a fraction with a fraction of the benefits. Several friends of mine who are contractors and employees have affirmed that the work contractors do is for the most part very similar and both agree that this is a fucked up situation for the contractors.
Think of it like gig economy drivers who are frequently exploited for ‘contract based work’ when the reality is that this is a full time job for many drivers in everything but pay.
Not only did he get the experience of being a woman, but also being a girl!
(This happened to me when I was 9)
Relax, I’m a carnist/flexitarian. There’s nothing wrong with attributing a name to non-vegans/non-vegetarians. The world isn’t divided into vegans/vegetarians and so called ‘normal people’. It’s just as normal to not eat meat in some parts of the world.
I know it’s not deliberate, but phrases like ‘spineless pussies’ are why women don’t feel welcome on lemmy.
Is lemmy truly a left-leaning platform? Or is it yet another tech-bro circlejerk that cares more about the aesthetics of inclusivity? You all can’t have your cake and it eat it too.