Gonna look into GLIM, thanks
🇬🇧🇺🇸I seize incel people’s cocks
🟩⭐ Mi konfiskas incelula kacojn
“Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum” — Titus Lucretius Carus
Gonna look into GLIM, thanks
Don’t do my boy Lua dirty like that >:(
Was it a Boeing plane?
Boomer-ass take
“Corporate Horror” should be an actual horror genre imho
Odd since he is on an Italian-speaking instance
Why did you even buy a phone meant for the Chinese market in the first place?
People in Sardinia are going to be happy about this
Is this even that common in the UK?
The same guys who made the coronavirus app?
Didn’t know they reduced to such scummy practices.
Same API, then?
Fascist “protect the children” law proposal threatened by fascists LMAOOOO
Y’all forgot the actual AI homicidal toy
Citing Alessandro Barbero
Updoot just for this
European Gen Z here. My schools always had a computer lab and it was always “real” PCs, never in my life i actually saw a Chromebook.
I’m not well versed in planes, is the cessna better or worse?
Phones are horseshit for OPSec, always. Every darknet admin and their dog know that.
Conflating us again with iPad kids?