I blame javascript. If it weren’t for people fucking with the time travel machine WE’D be the ones in the original timeline, and no one would have to suffer in this timeline where javascript got invented.
I blame javascript. If it weren’t for people fucking with the time travel machine WE’D be the ones in the original timeline, and no one would have to suffer in this timeline where javascript got invented.
preach. If anyone wants an example of what is meant by “forum” if you’re too accustomed to modern takes on it, visit places like news.ycombinator.com or just browse reddit using old.reddit.com and go in some less “popular” subs that aren’t just people posting random pics and videos.
nah. Social Media has a sort of implied entertainment attached to it, which is not a good description of, e.g., this very discussion. This -can- be social media if you’re just lurking, but for us conversing here this is now a forum. We’re sharing thoughts and discussing.
we need to shitpost more. a neighborhood that is high in crime does not appeal to advertisers. like north korea, they live in paradise whilst convincing the rest of the world that it’s a shithole.
yeah the comment per day graph is not doing too hot. Subscriber count may be rising but comment count is constantly in the valley.
It isn’t even a gamble though, he makes a lot of fuck ups but he literally can’t afford to fuck up that bad. It would cost him less financially to settle than it would the enormous backlash from actually trying some shit. On top of that if something were to coincidentally happen to the family, he’s be just as screwed. If someone raped me and threatened to harm my family if I told anyone, and they were a huge public figure harboring Trump’s level of distrust from people, then hell yeah he’s going to court. All threats would be made public and extremists would be watching any news on my family like a hawk. That girl needed a better lawyer.
I read that in the link @PrinzMegahertz kindly provided, but she should have gone forward with it anyway. If anything remotely bad were to happen to her family Trump would actually be fucked.
I’m on 6 rn, nice dosage, just don’t overdo it you’ll be fine
Uh that kinda just looks like electrical tape with extra steps
I like the web design tho
im so confused. I thought a guy was saying the original poster should have unblocked the name of the guy being weird with his song, i was saying that would be bad
now that’s a tldr.
I don’t own a mirror and use random reflective surfaces if I need one, metaphor THAT
I wanna say 20th is still pretty high, but quality of posts here are astronomically higher than reddit at the moment and if that continues to be the case, new visitors in general are gonna be signing up for both and will frequent the ones they most frequent. Same way we got on reddit, same way we got off reddit.
For that very same reason Tom said fuck all this, SOLD the whole thing and now lives his life doing whatever the f he wants. No way our boy Tom is about to come back with the whiteboard lmao he’s got it good
yeah there’s also a difference in someone who is expecting private messages to stay private only to then have your handle get attention in a bigass community, did u forget the linked pic this thread is about lol
Yea the lack of confidence is not without reason for sure. It’s like the “fake-it-till-you-make-it” idea which in practice only works when the feeling of insecurity is overstepping. The confidence boost just snaps me out of that headspace which is nice, and every now n then I still say something goofy but iddiswuddidis
latter sounds great, not really where OP is headed lmao
bro wasn’t listening to anything and didn’t know what to say
and we’d voice our opinion AS THESE CHANGES WERE HAPPENING and people would cry “things change you just don’t like change hur durr i’m so progressive”