Don’t forget the healthy markup! It’s not a proprietary Sony storage device if they don’t charge twice as much for a tenth the space.
Don’t forget the healthy markup! It’s not a proprietary Sony storage device if they don’t charge twice as much for a tenth the space.
I remember people arguing over 2 vs 3 spaces, back when terminals only displayed 80 characters and every character width saved was a huge deal. (Oh god, memories of all the single-character variable names have returned to haunt me)
I can’t go back, won’t go back. I am so glad the Bad Old Days are over. *returns to coding on my dual-widescreen monitor setup*
I don’t know if I’d agree that Sourceforge’s reputation has recovered. The previous owners’ actions of hijacking open-source projects and injecting adware into their installers absolutely destroyed any trust they had, and even years later few of the projects that left the platform in protest have returned.
Admittedly the lack of new/returning projects is likely because of how much better the competition is from a UX perspective, as you noted. But at least personally, that scandal is still the first thing to come to mind when I hear the name Sourceforge.
Gradle is so insanely over-engineered that it can do almost anything, yet so fragile that it can take weeks of bashing your head against the wall to get your build scripts working if you’re doing anything remotely complicated with your setup (or even just upgrading Gradle versions). Everything is so finicky that even if you do things exactly as the documentation says, you’ll still have to finagle things around nine times out of ten to get it to compile.
The user guide is longer than some novels.
They’re Hornets. Being stingy bastards is in the name!
User tagging was what I was waiting for to try Voyager again (I prefer tagging users over blocking them), but per-user vote tracking was the killer feature I wanted an app to have.
I guess this is goodbye, Boost. Time to write a user tag import script!
It boggles the mind that any language - let alone a systems programming language that most of the world’s infrastructure is built upon - wouldn’t adjust their specification to eliminate undefined behavior wherever possible. And C++'s all seem to be in the worst possible places, too.
Google started work on Carbon due to the difficulty of getting the C++ standards committee to accept any real, fundamental changes to the language. If Google, a grandmaster at manipulating standards committees, couldn’t get something passed, I don’t foresee this proposal getting anywhere.
Null safety is orders of magnitude simpler than memory safety. Kotlin is a null safe language by default. Java is infamously not. Anyone who has worked on a mixed-language Kotlin project can tell you how quickly null safety becomes a pain once guarantees break down - and that’s in a language where these issues are flagged instantly and you can “fix” the problem in a couple of characters! Mixed memory safe/unsafe codebases would be a nightmare in comparison.
Also, C++'s ecosystem consists of deeply entrenched libraries with ancient codebases. Safe C++ might be useful in a decade or two if library maintainers could be pushed to make the switch (good luck with that, if it’s half as much of a paradigm shift as Rust), but by then there will probably be multiple competing language features that claim to solve the same problem. It’s the C++ Way™.
And to complete the trifecta, there’s also Aseprite for pixel art (it’s free if you compile it yourself).
8 changed a lot of UI for no reason other than to chase the mobile market. 8.1 reverted a lot of that and people liked it, but the damage to 8’s reputation had already been done.
If they kept the edition alive for a few years 8.1 might be remembered as a redemption story like Windows 98 Second Edition, but they rushed 10 out the door - as a free upgrade, no less - to get back the goodwill they’d lost.
Windows ME was a crapshoot. One of our computers blue screened a few times during the couple months we had it installed; the other couldn’t even run an hour without hard crashing.
Nowadays I can’t even remember the last time Windows crashed. Newer versions are definitely a lot more stable, though suck in different ways.
The funny thing is the whole commercialization process started with one of the future partners messaging the project lead out of the blue on LinkedIn. I don’t know about you, but taking ideas from a random LinkedIn user doesn’t strike me as good business sense.
Then again, getting something out of your years of unpaid volunteer work must be incredibly tempting, given how many open source projects have sold out over the years. At least it was to form an actual legitimate company this time, unlike when SuperSU (the Android root solution before Magisk came along) sold themselves to a scummy foreign ad company. That one still ranks as the all time top WTF sale.
It’s a forked up world.
CyanogenMod, which was the base of most custom Android ROMs at one point. After taking venture funding, incompetent business majors crashed and burned the project trying to commercialize it. It was then forked and LineageOS was born.
To paraphrase an old tweet: “parentheses - for when every thought comes with bonus sub-thoughts”.
There are two things I can’t stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.
They thought “data lake” was a physical description.