I see, now that makes sense to me as well! I too make commits messily as thoughts crop up, so I think this technique might be good for me in some cases, thanks!
I see, now that makes sense to me as well! I too make commits messily as thoughts crop up, so I think this technique might be good for me in some cases, thanks!
Yoo, you’re a real one, so thorough, thank you! ❤️ I just kept finding crops from random social pages by reverse image searching
I badly need the source of this pic
Hmm, that sounds like it could be what I’m looking for, had never consider you could branch while in the middle of a rebase, nice!
That looks pretty crazy! I kinda want to unlock this power ngl
How does cherry picking improve the workflow? I’m not sure I understand, is it so you can keep the original branch as reference and know where you could have screwed up if it happens?
Not exactly, because n commits will have been squashed into one, so making the edit would lose the reference to the originals which should have been squashed with other commits, visually maybe this helps:
A (pick) -> B (squash) -> C (squash) -> D (pick)
When it should have been:
A (pick) -> B (squash) -> D (pick) -> C (squash)
I had just created A+B+C, then realised C should have been out
My issue wasn’t so much if it managed to run and more of “I don’t want this change to have happened here” kind of thing, still that’s a neat tool! I wish I could use it, but the codebase I’m working on is in such a hugely sorry state, no testing suite set up is the last of the many problems that most likely won’t be solved because they’re not “important enough”, not like features (built with cardboard and duct tape), yeah we can’t allocate much time at all to code quality and general work for the project infrastructure if we can call it that.
About the generic advice of making smaller rebases one by one, yes, I’ll learn to do that, I also solved it like that in the end
Most definitely Void
Really cool, I’ll give jj a try sometime, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
As for the rebase I’ll try in a toy repo, if it works as expected it would be great, this time I ended up aborting and starting over, then doing several rebases on the same range of commits to eventually get to the result I wanted without having to fear losing/breaking something or caving due to the cognitive load of managing many commits at a time
That’s not what I need, I can just abort the rebase in this case and I’d get back my branch as it was before I started, but I explicitly want to go to a state in the middle so not as to lose the modifications that I did intend to do.
Aside from that, I also do that, have seen what hell can be like in rebasing, so knowing where you started is always valuable, I agree
You could abort the rebase, then move back to the commit you want to using the reflog and remove the entries you skipped from the rebase todo.
Would this bring me back to the rebasing process so I don’t lose the progress?
Interesting mention of jj, never heard of it before! It says it can use Git as backend, so that means I could do these kinds of operations easily without stringing several commands together on the repositories I’m already working on without changing them?
I think the cool kids are using Nu now
What if the devil is a programmer?
Would explain a lot of things actually
Tinder MMO huh? You may be onto something…
But, if you want my opinion, I want 15%
You don’t have to turn text into a path if you just change color, opacity and blur percentage of it
Oh, well there’s 2 ways mainly:
Filters > Shadows and Glows > Drop Shadow
, more crude, but it works if your needs stay within what the filter can doOh I see, but anyways, I was referring to the opposite, I was curious why you didn’t make it all with Inkscape rather than the opposite
The toxicity automator, it will even begin making stupid questions itself to respond angrily to
I know, but that feels really clunky to me, like an unclean solution, I know that commit will disappear regardless, but I don’t like room for more human error like that by manually re-editing