France bamboozles chinas nuclear reactor time with a steel chair
France bamboozles chinas nuclear reactor time with a steel chair
Nuclear powered hands in the palm of my hands
Not sure why youre being downvoted your not wrong. The peasants need to sack up and help dismantle this shit
Dont forget openly bragging about his wide berth of knowledge
Yeah I was thinking of doing my own cctv instead of paying someone to have access to my ring cameras. Okay now I need a raspberry pi, new cameras, a server, compatible software and some gumption. Havent got around to it
But if they can access it they can gain control of it and delete it after they rob your car lol
Lets get some new names for russia china and brazil while we’re at it. Ill start brazil is now south texas
Edward Snowden PILEDRIVES the Nvidia RTX 50 series into a crowded bitcoin farm
“Trash fuckin cuck card kys”
I think I remember reading that a structure strong enough would have to be wider than the earth
This is more like a-social media dawg lol
Cousin that is called voting with your wallet
It’s so they can back your shit up probably lol
My virtues are signaling over here
I think theres too many rich folk that dont want to push the envelope
Im not really sure which part youre confused about. The law that has existed since the 1800s, how ballot measures are worded in “legalese” so theyre difficult to understand, or that neolibs are republicans wearing democrat skin?
I know its a lot to comprehend but i think you can do it buddy
Well they’re both insufferable but i think only one is brought on by lead exposure
Its like slightly worse than talking to marxists
If youre not rich youre getting fucked but not actively being demonized by the state(not yet). Well maybe immigrants are up there with them
People really hate nazis my guy so even doing shit as a joke pisses people off. Its not cute its fuckin fighting words
I’d say I hate nazis about 3000% more than republicans hate immigrants