MacOS, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Mint, Solus…
MacOS, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Mint, Solus…
Gonna get downvoted to crap for this, but what the hell - hi, it’s me, I’m that one guy who actually loves Windows a little more with every release. I’m continually surprised by the good stuff that’s baked into the OS now (e.g. Much better multi-monitor support) and how the real power users can do a whole load more besides with Powertoys (key remapping!) - It’s really encouraging to see that I need fewer and fewer specialist programs to get Windows to work just how I want.
I’m not wildly sold on AI being baked into the OS, but what the heck - Microsoft have earned their goodwill from me in recent years. I’ll play around with it with interest.
I recommend a DNS-based ad blocker like NextDNS. Works on everything, everywhere!
This was exactly my (dumb, layman) view of things - great idea hobbled from the outset by the marriage of slow web apps with slower hardware.
Seconded. NextDNS is incredible and you don’t even have to subscribe to get the benefit unless you’re a super heavy user.
It’s like I’ve gone from using a promising alpha for a Reddit replacement to a near-finished product. I love it.
I was having real issues for ages with torrent activity causing issues on my home network, and tried all the usual things - e.g. Limiting bandwidth use, limiting number of connection, disabling DHT and the like - but for me, the culprit turned out to be the VPN, and specifically the use of a traditional openvpn based connection. Switching to Wireguard made a transformative difference. No issues since.
Interested in this too…
I used to have DisplayFusion to customise just how I liked, so I don’t know exactly when a lot of this stuff changed - could even have been Windows 10 - but things like support for different backgrounds on each monitor, ability to indicate the relative heights your monitors are set at so the mouse flows smoothly between them (useful if you have a proper screen and a laptop one for example), mouse will scroll the window where the cursor is currently located rather than the active window as default, easier snap layouts to simulate a dual monitor setup on one…generally it just works exactly how I would expect out of the box.