We’re paying like 15k/yr per student. More in lots of places. We’re paying shitloads to educate other people’s children.
We’re paying like 15k/yr per student. More in lots of places. We’re paying shitloads to educate other people’s children.
Fuck the 9x kernel.
If we’re doing that we gotta go back to at least 95 if not 3.1. Are we counting 98se?
Nah. Fuck the 9x kernel.
2000 good. XP gooder.
That’s pretty badass.
It’s been a while since I’ve rooted. I’ll look into it. Thanks for the direction.
I like being able to use my banking app. I do miss having proper control, though.
The big ones did, yeah. They actually just started the requirement while I was looking for one.
I refuse to use one that requires bluetooth or an account. I want to turn the bitch on and go do shit for 4+hr. There’s nothing fancy about the process. Some real Ron Popeil shit and they try to force apps on us.
Why are comments RIAA shilling?
Are you a bot?
The fuck is wrong with discourse now. This kind of comment is just embarrassing.
Feels more Uwe Boll to me.
They would certainly love to have access.
Open source teledildonics are a thing.
Not really. There are some adjacent ones I can check for invites if you pm me later to remind me.
But it’s fantastic to have a core of users that talk about releases and sometimes call each other slurs.
I’ve been a member of a private torrent forum since you were 2 or so lol
I mean we’re dumb kids until they raid us.
It’s not so much what the Boeing CEO called the issue so much as a technical term for when a non-conforming product gets sold at its planned inspection operation.
Chicken tax and EPA nuttery. It’s fucking bullshit.
I’ll have to add that one to the list. Thanks for that.
You don’t even understand the conversation, apparently. I don’t know why I expect more of people here, but hey - nothing to be done about it.
No. No, that’s not who I was referring to.
If I had replaced guntubers with xxxxx you should’ve known what I was saying just from context. You’re denser than a gravy seal my friend.
Fine. Next desktop build is linux.