In europe literally everybody uses whatsapp you wont be able to do anything without it (docotrs, food delivery, literally every person like friends and familly, corona test results, company customer support, the list goes on)
In europe literally everybody uses whatsapp you wont be able to do anything without it (docotrs, food delivery, literally every person like friends and familly, corona test results, company customer support, the list goes on)
Thats smth that i forgot, corona test results per whatsapp and a lot of companies also just have a whatsapp kontskt on their “kontakt us” page
Idky most people dont eaven have that on their contract i think
I mean yeah, but i would have no contacts to anyone, here in germany we literally use nothing else, contact to teachers for assignments is lost, couldnt text with my family, would have no contact to my friends etc
The problem is everybody is using it and its impossible to move to signal etc
Taking germany as an example (prty shitty example) In the usa there were 647 school shootings in 2020, in germany there were 12 SINCE 1999 ofc germany is smaller but a being 4 times as big doesnt excuse having 53 times as many school shootings (thia is btw countet with germany in the last 24 years and with the usa in one year(
In my opinion it actually is one of the main user sources for reddit and i think you should destroy it because reddit should completely die
Why not delete the original content?
Use delete suit and edit all your commends to a info abt the protest
With what else would you eat?
The point if deleting your history is that people SHOULDNT go to reddit, this is literally failling the whole point of the protest
I just made an argument against his take