Damn he’s good
Damn he’s good
Same. Microsoft can eat shit for copilot but I love having the cloud integration. Especially when I have 6 devices.
Wish it would have included pension. We really need to bring that back as a standard.
Omg yes, put this person in charge right now
Sounds like a job for space force!
Oh no! Now we won’t get that trickle down!
I’m sorry to hear about the coma you’ve been in for the last 8 years. Hopefully you have a quick recovery!
I love bitwarden. I don’t use Firefox though. Any password manager you hold the keys on is good though. Used a few years now
Holding up fine. I’m about 7% degradation, 2018 over 80k miles on it. 100D. I’ve been very happy with it as far as anything goes. Never serviced, just a few things like lights that I needed replaced.
This is true for me, I have an S.
I’ll also never buy another tesla again but I’ll drive this until the wheels fall off. It’s 5 years old now.
If by roped in you mean signed a contract? Not a musk defender indeed