Not sure why I’ve got downvotes on this comment but if that makes you feel better then it’s fine with me.
Not sure why I’ve got downvotes on this comment but if that makes you feel better then it’s fine with me.
Thanks, I’ll take a look at that.
Hetzner do this as default until you pay your first invoice. You can then request to have it unblocked.
I understand this, other than requesting port 25 be open, I didn’t even get around setting up the mailcow.
I seriously haven’t.
Full story… I’ve had a reseller account for about 10 years with a certain provider and to be honest it’s been fine. The prices keep going up which is annoying but their UI always seems to be down when I want to edit something and log into my WHM which gets frustrating. I host a few small websites for clients and other than that I just leave it.
I have a few business domains which have their own email, I setup the email in cPanel and my main email is with gsuite which I pay for. I wanted to bring it all in under one roof but as I no longer have WHM and cPanel so I had to look for an alternative.
I setup a new server, with Hetzner about a month and half ago, tried installing a few different control panels as I was used to cPanel and I kept deleting my server and creating a new one which to be honest I must have done it about 20 times. I finally stuck with cloud panel and it’s been fine. (Could this be my issue?)
I created a single site and setup a proxy server so I can add data to my Airtable database without my credentials being on show. That seems to work fine. (Could this be my issue?)
I knew I needed port 25 unlocked so I waited to pay my first invoice. Once I paid that I created a second server for email and requested that port 25 be open on the original server which I thought they did.
I then deleted my cloudpanel and my website, installed it on my new server and proceeded to setup mailcow on the old server as that had port 25 unlocked (or so I thought)
Not sure when my account got locked but I’m sure it was before even attempting to setup my email server and I certainly didn’t send any emails out.
the only other thing I can think of is I’m sure I said I would pay using Paypal. When I attempted to pay, for some reason Paypal wouldn’t work so I paid by card.
That is the whole story.
It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. it just worries me that they can take something away and not tell you why. I’m now stuck in limbo as I need to get me email server working before I can close my old reseller account.
I will take a look at vultr.
Thanks everyone.
They’ve let me keep my server so rather than trying to setup a second server with mailcow, I think I’m gonna go with mxroute and let that handle it.
I can just carry on with more important stuff.
Thanks everyone