I type my search into the post and then usually some kind person finds me a link and calls me a asshole
Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.
And if you’re the president, forgive yourself.
I dunno. Steam did it well enough. I was buying cheap games for years. I could get a kick ass GOTY game for like $5 while GameStop was still selling it used on consoles for $20.
Both sides.
I constantly call out juniors who do things like ignore warnings, completely unaware that the warning is going to cause serious tech debt in a few months.
But Ive also unfortunately shrugged after seeing hundreds of warnings because to update this requires me to go through 3 layers of departments and we’re still waiting on these six other blockers.
Pick and choose I guess.
Lemmy: why aren’t people using Linux? It’s so easy
Also Lemmy: webp huh?
Lemmy folk forgetting that not every person cares enough to switch OSes.
If you ever work tech support even at a basic level, you’ll see. It’s not even boomers or genZ. I helped a grown ass human who was my age at 40yo how to install a Firefox extension.
That could have been me a few years ago. I was still using teamviewer up until 2020 to connect to my desktop from my laptop. It’s so handy.
Fortunately it was when I started learning about open-source solutions
Felt like when I was job hunting around 2019, 80% of job applications I filled out didn’t even feel real. No reply back. Weird hoops to jump. Submit a resume then fill it out again.
After the first 100, the other 300 kinda don’t matter.
spanked one 100 times
One 100 times or 1 time, but 100 times?
I keep hearing like they didn’t really do shit. When Uber did a fuckton.
1 - Reputation. If a taxi driver was a racist POS, literally nothing I can do.
2 - Agreed upon fare. You literally see a estimate of the cost. I had a taxi add extra fees the moment I sat in the car.
3 - GPS. The route on your phone is the same route they follow. How many times have taxis went on a fucking joyride to rank up more money?
4 - See when the ride is coming. “Cab will be there in 15-45 mins.” Never fucking shows up.
5 - Automatic payment. How many fucking CC machines didn’t work so they forced you to pay cash?
I can go on and on.
But to say some tech bro slapped some tech jargon onto taxis and became rich is disingenuous to all the innovations they’ve done to unfuck the taxi industry.
Wait what?
Your culture doesn’t tip taxi drivers?
I constantly felt like if I didn’t tip the taxi driver, he’d drive in reverse and tell me to fuck off. Because yes they were that kind of asshole.
90% of Uber drivers for me were immigrants. Its normal to me.
Whores and coke.
I’m a brown dude. I have so many stories about bad taxi experiences. From Taxi drivers refusing to pick me up, to them going, “You’re lucky to be in my car”, to “I’m not driving there. Get out.”
Around 2017 and was very upset at Uber, I took a taxi from the airport. The guy refused to drive until we had more people in the car. I said this wasn’t a car share, and he told me to go take a bus. When I started getting a Uber, he apologized and took me, but then bitched about it the whole drive that he was losing money.
Uber and Lyft changed it all.
Cleaner cars. No attitudes. Agreed upon destination and fair.
I have no sympathy for taxis.
Hate your kids? Send them to a Troubled Camp where they’ll kill them. Good job parents.
Ewww Arab numbers in MY FREEDOM LANGUAGE?!
You joke but if you want to troll Bible nuts at protests, absolutely carry a picture of Obi Wan as Jesus. Aragorn works too.
Or go wild and have Black Jesus.
He has a new book?
I love John Romero and read all the books about Doom/his life.
Can’t wait to check this one out!
Nah. Our stupid ass government only recently started hiring hackers who smoke weed. But even then, there’s too much stupid red tape.
And also
It also doesn’t help that the Republican Party have outright praised Russia, which means they’re already inside.