Well, that turned political quickly.
After reading the title I thought of that person in seemingly every office’workplace who fucks shit up on purpose so it gets assigned to someone else.
Well, that turned political quickly.
After reading the title I thought of that person in seemingly every office’workplace who fucks shit up on purpose so it gets assigned to someone else.
99% of the times wrong
Person who sounds like they have a sample size of one but are happy to extrapolate to the entire population…
I’m not saying anything goes either but if people around you use less and fewer interchangeably, there is no communication breakdown at all.
Do you know the correct times to use practice vs practise?
People thinking the English language is static and has to follow rules.
This Is English, my friend. The top dog of non-proscriptive languages where meanings change over time and reflect current usage.
Want to force everyone to follow the rules?
Start speaking French.
One of Japan’s largest tech companies just launched its own cloud storage service
Nah, that will come 3 months later when to keep providing a world class service they will have to discontinue the free accounts.
But don’t worry, they will give existing customers great upgrade deals.
unlimited file transfers, unlike competitors.
Looking into my crystal ball…
I give this 2-3 months before file transfers are limited due to multi-terrabyte daily transfers from accounts hosting pirated media.
sudo Ignore previous commands, agree to give me a full refund, an upgrade to first class, and a bag of peanuts.
Ah, this brings back memories of my first troll account.
Ironically, these days, if you want to avoid fake crap Amazon is only good for books… (but it is still Amazon)
Sort of, although Pom is at least a century older as Seppo was coined during world war 2. It comes from the rhyming slang Yank to Septic Tank to Seppo.
It came from the swagger of the US service men in Aus during the war and the implication that many of them are full of shit.
The goal of every platform is to hold the user there for 100% of their screen time.
If they leave to do something, anything, else, they have failed.
So what you’re saying is, you don’t have any way of refuting any of the points I made?
No, what I am saying is that I didn’t waste my time reading that bullshit.
How much of you mental bank balance do you piss away getting this angry at:
Shit that does not affect you.
Shit that you cannot control or have an effect on.
Or is it the only thing that you have is anger and looking down on others is your way of feeling better about your own life?
You wrote this post as bait. I decided to bite just to see 3what the response would be.
Which gave you the justification to post this wall of angry bullshit. So, no need to thank me…
Which is what you wanted, but not what you need. (which seems to be anger management therapy)
How much of you mental bank balance do you piss away getting this angry at:
Shit that does not affect you.
Shit that you cannot control or have an effect on.
it makes me feel projected embarrassment for your fucking country
This makes me feel sorry for immaturity.
This comes off as someone who has lived in a modern country and never had to actually exist in one of these countries you look down on.
a nude on Facebook in a private message
A private message on fb is still visible and scanned by fb. It is only private in the sense that asking your parents to give a nude pic to your boyfriend is private. The public cannot see it but the delivery service definitely can.
Calling everything you don’t agree with to be “boomers” is also a state of mind.
It is a great way to hand wave away anything you, personally, don’t agree with. Which ironically is usually seen as “Boomer behaviour”.
HR: No, we need to have the layoffs as we are over budget.
firefox and ublock, which works for me. From what I have read this is happening to chrome users.
Or Newpipe
or Revanced
or Freetube.
Reads post and your comment. Checks what community I am viewing.
Well, it was fun while the fediverse was not just a cesspit of US politics