I’d be more happy if they just dug a really big borehole and then just filled it up where no one lives
I’d be more happy if they just dug a really big borehole and then just filled it up where no one lives
You teleported out of the closet. I like it. Live your true life funkless!
I have only been on the federverse for like two or three weeks. I meant in popular media and actually even in my real life interactions.
I have heard things like I tried to be gay, or I wish I was a lesbian, etc. I do think that it’s influenced by media having this archetype of the cool/suave/fun/wise/good-crazy interesting side-character friend. Oftentimes these characters aren’t fully developed and their whole personality is that they are not straight, but they have this cool friend group thing going on and everyone likes them.
Don’t get me wrong, there are fantastic examples of gay characters in media where they aren’t just the token diversity character, it too often we have quirky-dirky (but flat) interesting person whose only defining quality is that they’re not boring ol’ heterosexual
If a product can be offered without much issue on a pay once and own-as-is forever model, then I think there is an ethical imperative to pirate it.
I would be willing to pay a few hundred bucks for a perpetual license to look 2023 version of Adobe Lightroom. Unfortunately the only place to find such a product is on the high seas. Adobe will only let you buy a subscription based equivalent. I like the actual software product, and I’ve gotten good at using it, but if I can’t just buy it, I’m not going to pay for it.
I actually have a plug-in for Lightroom called topaz Labs AI enhancement suite. I pay for a single year’s worth of updates, but I can still use the software as of the final update forever. If Adobe actually offered something like that I would be all over it.
I might get a lot of flack for this, but I do think there is a growing want to be somewhere in the rainbow spectrum because it is seen as “in” right now. If you belong somewhere on that group you are more interesting, more special. At least that’s the, subtle and sometimes not so subtle, sentiment I’m sentiment.
On meltdown issues maybe, but if it’s one of the molten salt types, they generate way more waste. Old school rods make long term storage of waste actually pretty easy
What do they think they do at the factory?
I’d happily pay for a 2023 Adobe Lightroom classic. Unfortunately Adobe doesn’t offer this, but I can find it sailing the high seas branded this way.
It’d be cool to just buy it and get a year’s worth of updates with the option of going subscription then
The issue is that is that now they have your billing address and credit card number
I love my subaru, but I do have everything on a stupid touch screen. I would have gone in that 2022 Forester that still had a bunch of real buttons, but it didn’t come with a turbo option so I went with the Outback where everything was integrated. Even then the Android auto experience could definitely be better.
It feels like San Francisco’s fault. Apple and tesla-esque design language spreading like a plague because it’s cheap to manufacture and people think it’s trendy.
I bought a 2023 Subaru outback. Great car, only quibbles are the CVT instead of a traditional Auto or manual for longevity reasons, and most of my controls are on a big old touch screen. The issue is that everything is routed through it, and it lagggggggs.
Please give your employees lunar support!
Well yeah, but if you were in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma working at a pharmacy, and some maybe sketchy sounding doctor told you to fill a prescription for Arnold Schwarzenegger, wouldn’t you be a little suspicious?
As a brown person. It doesn’t matter what color you are. Someone’s race shouldn’t matter at all when comparing how fucked up something is unless it’s directly culturally relevant.
A white guy vs black woman RNA paper writing PhD being told gtfo is equally offensive. Race only matter like if you told the white guy vs black woman something like a joke about picking cotton or the white guy a joke about him fucking his sister.
Telling someone “you don’t matter / you are the enemy” for over a decade and to millions of people is how an actual white nationalist movement became a thing. You can only tell people how horrible and evil they are until they start to believe in it.
We’re were going, we don’t need tickets
I remember the good old 4chan days when every 3rd post was about how “this is the cancer that is killing /b/” …
Which in hindsight was not wrong. It’s a husk of what it was. I fought with many a /b/tard in the great Tumblr wars. It was remnant of a more wild age, before the summer posters, before the psyops.
I think it’s a bit ridiculous how the pride flag was meant to show that humanity is on a spectrum of all kinds of sexualities in different amounts. But then the attention people wanted to start adding extra widgets, shapes, and colors to the flag that was supposed to represent basically everyone (or at least the non 100% straight people, depends on interpretation).
Go to the hood and tell a black dude walking around at two am that he has his own representation on the pride rev. d flag, right between the stripes for asexual and native Americans or whatever, and see what happens.