Truly despicable. Seeding to at least 1 to 1 is the bare minimum of courtesy and humanity. If you dont, its unethical
Truly despicable. Seeding to at least 1 to 1 is the bare minimum of courtesy and humanity. If you dont, its unethical
Yeah that remote start subscription really pissed me off. If i could confirm a way to give them even less data i would.
Railroads played big role. Trains needed more water or coal to run the engine. So every 15 to 20 miles or so, depending on terrain, a water depot was erected, and there a new town popped up. Some survived. Some didnt. Few are thriving. Just pull up a map and follow a rail line in the great plains region of the usa. Then just measure it out. Its impossible to miss once you notice it.
Yeah thats how it was here after the reddit fiasco.
Lol at all the people deleting their comments or getting downvoted heavily. You are the target audience. This is either a warning to get your shit straight or nuke your hard drive. Dealers choice… Take a hint boys.
Did you just assume their religion?!? And nationality? And race?
Shut the fuck up.
Thermite is considered less lethal than napalm and phosphorus. Its fairly direct too. It only lights up what it is dropped on. It can burn up cover and leave the troops under it fairly unharmed. Another example of Ukraine fighting with one hand tied behind their back, but still making due with what works.
On top of that, its super easy to make. Its just rust iron oxide and powdered aluminum. You can make it at home with a file and some old pipes.
Shit, this winter, for 3 days strait, i got ads with literal swinging dicks and full on penetration. Reported ads, and moved on. After day three, i deleted the app and only launched from a sandboxed browser with an ad blocker.
Now, i only open it for the marketplace. The place was cancer anyhow, but that was just too much.
Bring back grumman!
Seems off by a factor of 5 by my personal consumption. This is a stockpile for ludite teatotalers imo. Pure amateur numbers for anyone paying attention.