You can hide any that stuff you don’t want. I have the lifetime plex pass and the UI in plex is better than any streaming service that I’ve tried. One thing I like that is missing from streaming services is the actor bios. Being able to see everything that an actor/actress has been in from the pause screen of the show/movie I’m watching if I want to see more. Then I can just add those to *arr from my phone.
Haven’t used stremio personally. Started with XBMC/Kodi. Plex is just better if you need to connect from multiple devices. And the *arr apps are a natural feeling progression to automate what I already know and have been doing.
It just hard locks minutes to an hour after boot. I tore it down to the cpu and removed the motherboard and reconnected everything. I’ve now narrowed it down to CPU, MB or power supply. My bet is on MB, so I have a new one ordered.