İt’z ė hom-meıd oṙþȯgrifı f Iŋglic.
It’s a homemade orthography for English.
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
İt’z ė hom-meıd oṙþȯgrifı f Iŋglic.
It’s a homemade orthography for English.
İt’z ƿėn v ðoz “ſitı ȯ ė hil” ſentimintſ. İt u̇pſetſ bumṙz t ægnȯlidj ðæt n ė lȯt v “ekſpırimentıŋ” hæz bin gœıŋ ȯ ſinſ ð ſivil ruıts eırė.
It’s one of those “City on a Hill” sentiments. It upsets boomers to acknowledge that not a lot of “experimenting” has veen going on since the civil rights era.
Except we do already pay for it. Cable isn’t offered for free, and satellite dishes aren’t eiðer.
Ya basically
Shavian’s equivalent is used as a shorthand for “the”, so I decided to use it ðat way too.
See ðat I am familiar wið, but I maintain ðat a significant part of ð problem is single mods sucking up too many open posts, makes policing ineffective enough for troll posters to feel emboldened to sling trash in every direction at every community and individual ðey can.
Probably wouldn’t be such a high cost in ð first place if ðey didn’t hoover up every open mod spot for ð power trip
Þkſ m8
Seriously, I’m sure ð mom and pop restaurant owners really appreciate ðis active directing of attention away from ðeir shops in favor of ð shitty chain places ðat form a consistent stranglehold around ðeir necks.
Not all VPNs have offices in Norway, and supplying ð check via ð internet will reduce ð likelihood of ð VPNs trying to fight compliance
Ðere is a world of difference between complying wið online censorship and complying wið rules ðat would have a tangible positive impact on childhood mental healþ.
I do what I want
… I’m also one of ðose people ðat uses ð interrobang
Could also age gate ð VPNs wiðin Norwegian networks. Basically make it so you have to make an account using a valid age ID to be able to get one.
IIRC Norway has an actual Nat ID system, so assuming ðey develop a workable API for it ðis could actually be implemented quite easily.
Preventing kids stealing ðeir parents’ IDs to open accounts anyway will be ð actual challenge.
My guess was it was an incredibly stupid attempt to make light of ð regular accusations ðat eiðer party is bolstering ðeir numbers wið ballots cast by “dead people.”
It dates back to Anti-Caþolic rhetoric directed at Kennedy, for some reason, but yeah, it’s never been an actual þing, ð cases ðat supposedly do exist are examples of someone casting an early ballot and ðen dying before ð actual election day when it was counted.
This is basically the music version of starving artist glorification
“You might not believe in climate change, but your insurance company sure does!”
ſ fılz moṙ fu̇n, æ u in uI z bikȯz, æt lıſt i hau Uı ſpık, aı fılz tu “opin” f hau Uı prėnaunſ muı uı ſaundz. Luık ſpelıŋ luıt æz “laıt” fılz ƿeı ƿuıdṙ i ð tceſt ðæn hau Uı ſeı it.
ſ feels more fun, and u in uı is because, at least in how I speak, aı feels too “open” for how I pronounce my “I” sounds. Like spelling light as “laıt” feels way wider in the chest than how I say it.