I wouldn’t put it past an insurance company.
I wouldn’t put it past an insurance company.
I’m convinced, the accuracy of the clock matters. Your point that within one minute is on time is fair and as you said converges quickly. Definitely quicker than the life cycle of a regular clock. I’m a convert now.
That’s not true. e.g. If a clock loses time as soon as it is started (given power, wound), a time x. Then every day it will be wrong. Now, after n days it will come back around to being correct again. But, if n >> the life of the clock, then no, it will never be correct.
I can think of a few other scenarios where it’s also true that it will never be correct.
Stopped clock, a broken clock may never be right.
Do you live in a world lacking empathy? I suppose you were born knowing all words and never learned any. If this person is young or has English as a second language they might not have heard it. Hell if they are old they also might not have heard of it.
You could also USE a NET. I’ve seen people catch things that way quite recently.
Neither should they be unless there is a suspected problem.
By the rich no doubt