Good, maybe in two or three more years Windows 11 will be useable. Right on time for Windows 12 to roll out and drag Microsoft users back to the Stone Age again.
Good, maybe in two or three more years Windows 11 will be useable. Right on time for Windows 12 to roll out and drag Microsoft users back to the Stone Age again.
¿Por qué no los dos?
Should cars be required by law not to let you drive to drug deals? Should glasses be required by law not to let you read banned books? Should testicles be required by law not to produce government-unsanctioned sperm?
What are you talking about? I can still access my files just fine.
We know because of our alarm clocks, duh!
Terrorists and authoritarian governments are each others’ greatest allies even though both pretend otherwise. Each one uses the other to endear itself to the people and justify atrocities that they would otherwise never get away with, all in the name of protecting you from the other one.
I’m not. The Sun isn’t real, it’s just something The Church made up to control the sheeple.
Lemmy has undercover ads now?
There are so many games out there and my waitlist has already grown so long that I feel no problem in completely ignoring any game that has Denuvo. Odds are it’d be so long before I got around to it that the hype would be gone anyway.
This comment reads like a deconstructionist modern art piece.
My first experience with Linux was Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. I dual-booted for over a decade and even went back to just using Windows for a while before finally making the full switch. I think I spent two or three years without using my Windows partition before deciding to give Windows one last chance, which lasted a month, then wiping it and sticking to EndeavourOS for my daily driver/gaming desktop and vanilla Arch Linux on my laptop.
Both are hilarious so I say it doesn’t matter.
I use Fira Code. It looks great and I really like the programming ligatures.
SUSE-Powered Enterprise Linux. Tagline: It spells SPEL.
I’m speaking in general, not about this particular case.
I enjoyed many parts the show but didn’t love it obsessively like some people. I think that it’s popular because
it’s geeky and fourth-wall-breaky - which is where the “high IQ” idea comes from,
it’s actually completely accessible to low-IQ people, as evidenced by the fact that it’s popular with people who brag about having a high IQ,
it’s silly and slapstick, which when combined with point (1) creates
constant reversals of expectation, which are a very effective form of humor,
it’s in-your-face and edgy, which appeals to people who like to think of themselves as rejecting the mainstream, despite still being very mainstream, and finally
it is extremely memeable.
A winning formula regardless of the writers’ creativity. And some episodes had a pretty creative premise. The Microverse Battery episode could stand side by side with The Simpsons before The Simpsons turned into a parody of itself.
There’s an important difference: those guys are all dead, and so are their victims. Somebody’s great great great great grandmother won’t retroactively become more abused just because you look at a painting.
It isn’t about enjoying art created by someone who did awful things, it’s about continuing to reward that someone with fame and fortune and giving them free passes to do more awful things just because they have a talent that you appreciate. It’s about valuing aesthetics over morals. By all means, continue to enjoy art made by scumbags. I do. Just don’t continue to bankroll their abuse of others after you find out that they’re scumbags.
That’s the problem with crimes without witnesses. It’s your word against mine, and the world is full of people who commit these crimes but also full of people who, knowing that this is the situation, will falsely accuse others of them. Without major privacy violations becoming the norm, it’s a pickle I don’t really see a way out of: somebody will continue to get the short end of the stick.
Dehydrated water: just add water.