The whole internet used to be like this and it was lovely.
The whole internet used to be like this and it was lovely.
Teacher here and my school is 1-to-1 with Chromebooks. I doubt there’d be any problems from trying to log in with the new school’s Google account on the old Chromebook. Being able to use it at home would most likely not be a problem.
Using it at school instead of the new school provided device would depend on the school’s policies. We allow it in most cases, but it might not hurt to check with your school’s media specialist.
One problem this would create, if your child were at my school, would be with testing software. All of our standardized tests are administered with software that is pushed onto the students’ devices by our IT, and can only be installed on the school’s own managed Chromebooks. So I would again double check with your media specialist, and perhaps be prepared to bring the new Chromebook on standardized testing days (hopefully there aren’t many).
Hope that helps!
Yeah, came here to post this. Unless it’s made legally binding these statements mean fuck all.
This is what has me convinced that this whole thing isn’t 4D chess to eliminate Twitter as a tool of left wing speech and organizing. He loves the whole “X” concept. Rebranding Twitter to X feels too authentic to be a cynical destruction of the platform.
Even if this isn’t the intention of Musk himself, I certainly think this is what some of his investors (Thiel and the Saudis) are hoping for.
Is there any information on how he plans to obtain biometric data? My assumption was that, with iPhones for example, all biometric data stays on device encrypted via the Secure Enclave. Is that even something X could access?