Nice, thank you!
Nice, thank you!
I appreciate you coming back and giving nuance to your comment, thank you for that.
If you describe facts, would you kindly provide sources of where you encountered them? That makes it a lot easier to have a facts-based discussion :)
That is not correct and borders on historical denialism.
The german people was at least implicitly, if not acutely aware of the cruelties and ethnic, political and ableistic “cleansings” perpetrated by the Nazi government. Just a quick glance at wikipedia gives you this information.
If you don’t have enough sata ports on the mobo (the optiplex 7010 has 1x Sata), you’ll need a pci sata controller, is my understanding. Not sure what other possibilities there are to connect more hdds…
As this is self-hosted, I feel the majority will reccommend against a Synology or similar pre-built, closed source solution.
At a budget of 150€ it will probably be challenging to build a whole system with new parts, but it can certainly be achieved with two or three generations old, second hand hardware.
The easiest way would probably be to keep a lookout for old office midi-towers (Dell Optiplexes and similar). Those usually have a few pci slots to throw an hba into and hook up a few hard drives. The mounting of the harddrives itself will need to be handled with uhm… Creative solutions. Depending on the system, you’ll probably want to upgrade the ram. And if you want easier Hardware handling, you may be able to just throw the system in a different case later on.
Another solution, and maybe even cheaper would be an old NUC or other mini-PCs. To be honest, I have no idea how people manage to use those as NAS or how you are supposed to manage multiple hard drives with them. External enclosures?
Then there’s also more Pis and other micro PCs. Same challenges.
So, this writeup has not actually adressed your question: what’s the /best/ solution?
I also have no idea. It really depends on what you want, what your budget is, how much you want to fidget around. How much space do you have to put a system? What is on offer around you? Does the company/university/school you work at maybe offer hardware they would otherwise need to dispose of? Check craigslist/marketplaces/ebay.
I am partial to the midi tower approach, as it offers a good deal of flexibility, depending on the included motherboard.
Hope I could offer at least some help :)
//Edith: The least energy consumption would probably be the Pi, but depending on how much HDDs you add, this will also depend on what management System you run and what HDDs you use (some NAS drives come with some powersaving features). If you are in any position to do so, talk to your landlord or Eigentümergemeinschaft and get a Balkonkraftwerk. Those 800Watts will more than offset your Homelab needs.
Howdy. I have a “homeserver” that I’d like to actually start using. What’s currently keeping me from it are… Permissions.
I have TrueNas Scale running on top of Proxmox, and I can’t for the life of me not access NFS Shares from other VMs (specifically a Debian VM that I use as Docker Host) that I host in Proxmox. Plox hlp.
I switched to Aegis
5 samples is still anecdotal. There is no statistical significance there.
How is the screen holding up?
There’s a lot of people here focussing on the biillit labs thing. While that is pretty bad on it’s own, and probably indicative of company or at least communication culture; Linus has not adressed the allegations regarding the sponsorships and the underlying conflict of interest. There’s some response to the error handling and sloppiness. But what is lacking is a clear identification and owning of errors as well as the accompanying, hard steps LMG will take to rectify them.
I would’ve liked to see a post saying" whow, this is a bit much at once, we will publish a full response with x/y plans in [a week]". This (Linus’ Forum response) just feels drama-inciting and not like a level-headed response.
And how will they compensate for the lost work, as GN pointed out? Didn’t Billit Labs say they were unable to continue working on the product, since the prototype wasn’t available?
I have yet to install it, but I plan to run it “baremetal” in a Debian VM, would that be better than in a docker, or do I actually need to run it baremetal, in parallel/ on a different system than proxmox? (Or it’s own LXC container)