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Unfortunately, it completely tracks. If Dad was born in 85, has kid at 20, that kid is now 20. I’m pretty sure I have classmates whose kids are around that old now that I think about it.
Fuck that, <$20-30 or nothing. I’m not playing online, so I’m not wasting most of the cost of the game to be ignored by the dev. Fuck rockstar for turning gta5 into a live service game and entirely ignoring the single player experience.
I hate that rockstar has effectively turned a beloved series into a fucking live service game.
And why should I keep a copy if I can just stream it again from the same or some different site for free in the future?
That’s a big if depending on the media in question, and the effort required to go find it again.
I’ve had so many instances where a streaming site takes down the movie or show I was planning on watching with one or both of my partners, only to have it not there and either have to waste an hour trying to find it again or figure out something else to watch.
Spinning rust drives are cheaper than the time I spend looking for something or being annoyed at having my plans derailed. Plus, I’ve used that more than once to make up for streaming site/content missing issues during get together with friends, so it’s more than worth it to me.
Those with intelligence are able to accept and analyze an idea without agreeing with it
there’s also a very significant chance that he’s got a broken dick.
Unfortunately, it’s not a chance for this dude.
This caused the young man to suffer from permanent erectile dysfunction and, in addition, loss of sensitivity and strength in his right arm and neuropathic pain in his left leg.
Dude has decades of decreased quality of life to look forward to because of this, I don’t think the compensation was nearly enough.
This caused the young man to suffer from permanent erectile dysfunction and, in addition, loss of sensitivity and strength in his right arm and neuropathic pain in his left leg.
50k isn’t even close to fair compensation for that
Unfortunately, that wouldn’t have done anything. Because I did that in December and they stopped running like 2 weeks after my verification. I would have caught it on my next scheduled validation, but that doesn’t help me now 😕
Oh, I’m wrong about plenty. But nice attempt to deflect.
And regularly check them. I just found out the hard way this last week that my backups haven’t been running for a few weeks …
Maybe he should shut his mouth instead of just spewing stupid and obvious lies instead of hiding behind lazy shields like I’m NoT a LeGiTiMaTe JoUrNaLiSt or I’m JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS?
I hate how people defend stupid celebs spewing obvious lies like this.
I’m not surprised at all. My wife and I only use 3rd party metal bands because the factory bands gave us both chemical burns.
I’ve used bitwarden and mulvad for years. Recommend both without hesitation.
Or maybe a few of them doing the right thing doesn’t outweigh the harm that the rest are doing.
It doesn’t matter how much work I’m doing to patch up holes in a sinking boat if 12 other people are actively drilling holes in the boat.
Well yeah, they’re experts in hurting children.
Pardon me if I don’t believe the lying fascist at his word. Let’s hear from the victim/experts on how they’re doing.
Maybe they just pay attention? I saw this headline and thought “of course they will, never let a tragedy go to waste”
No meta platform gets the benefit of the doubt from me anymore. Unless they can show it was a benign action, their history tells me they were probably being malicious.
Do you have any idea how intentionally bad sex ed is in places?