Greenlits?! Lol, where have the editors gone
Greenlits?! Lol, where have the editors gone
Exactly! I had to look it up, but yes, it is.
How come taco is it’s own style but burrito isn’t? I’d say calzone is a burrito.
That’s bad taxonomy, because then what’s a taco salad? It’s an untossed taco salad salad. But we still don’t know what taco means. So it’s becomes an untossed untossed taco salad salad salad. Which becomes an untossed untossed untossed taco salad salad salad salad. We never learn what a taco actually is.
I agree! She could be big-boned and 17 for all I know. I certainly don’t care. Also, no way she’s the first, the others just couldn’t talk about it because of people like you.
Does it matter?
The real answer is it depends on what box they check when they fill out forms. Presuming they don’t check the “choose not to answer” box. Then there’s simply no way of knowing.
Psst! Race is also a societal construct!
You can have black ancestry and appear not-black, so this really doesn’t support her argument at all.
Well yeah, it’s an impossible hypothetical, it’s not supposed to have a point. Actually, it did have a point, which it very easily accomplished: trigger incels. Just remember, there would be no reactionary media without media consumers being reactionary.
Wow, y’all cannot handle a little trolling huh. Are incels really taking this whole thing seriously? Just remember guys, it is personal, hahaha
I mean, if they didn’t, they would have fought harder to get Obama’s nominee through.
Exactly, it’s a shit-colored job market.
Just buy their music! Those are the bands that actually need the support.
Surely you can do all that without tying the functioning of the entire pumping system directly to the time stamp though, right?
Why does the fuel pump need to know what date it is?
It was at 0 votes and I felt bad for the bot, upvoted it, then started reading it. I quickly changed it to a downvote. Bad bot.
You can’t lose what you never had. It’s desired ad revenue they’re after.
Luckily, copyright law is based on guesses!
No, the issue is that he didn’t understand how the technology he was using worked. I mean, one of Apple’s most prevalently advertised features is their product integration, it’s like, their whole deal.