I wonder if this is Trump doing censorship or China doing censorship making it look like Trump doing censorship.
I didn’t notice. I don’t know, it’s the first one in DuckDuckGo search lol
Ever think about what’s in the middle of a swastika?
Okay, but can you back up that guarantee with sources? I want to know how likely this is, as I will be applying for jobs soon. Also, remote tech jobs, which are probably more likely to have these.
gendered by placing a sticker on the door
We have that at my work, but they are still gender-neutral bathrooms when the other one is in use and someone needs to use it. You can’t really ungender-neutral those bathrooms.
to me this just sounds like social media passing the buck to their users with no regard for accuracy.
And for free, no less!
My only-ever-windows SO just got a computer with PopOS on it (default) and it took some getting used to, but he loves it. I was like, “you know this is a Mac OS clone, right? 😏” and he was like 🤯
I noticed Animix Player doesn’t have “no ads” servers anymore and even when it opens the ads it doesn’t play. 😭
“Save the CEOs, fuck the immunocompromised!”
Even if it’s egregiously overstated (Al Franken).
This is eerie, the way it’s said. Seems too real.
I was wondering if it was Ai.
This is the way. I vote op does this next year!
They show up italicized for me, iOS Thunder app
If you see anyone online show the search results and pricing on Amazon, then try to replicate those search results and product price on a device that is totally partitioned from your viewing of the item/price elsewhere, you’re likely to find it is not possible. If you then go back to the original device and do the same, you’ll magically find the same product and lower price.
I noticed this on Walmarts website when asking chat GPT to find items for me. I was wondering why it was happening. Some of the price differences were extreme too.
Let me guess, the EU actually put laws in place to ”remediate that problem” like a ”functioning government”.
And I’m honestly surprised they let you do that many password tries. I would seriously consider changing banks.
There’s a word search!
And the word list!
The school district I work for said, “ICE stays in the office, students can’t be interviewed without parental permission, they can’t enter the wider building or access records without a subpoena that has to be first emailed to and verified by the district attorney.” Luckily, I live in a red, meat packing and farming state, so they likely won’t bother us…first.