If you’re on the website, go to your post, click the 3 vertical dots so that it expands, and hit the trash can icon.
Just a spacefaring raccoon that’s eaten all the food onboard. Sorry.
@[email protected] (alt) ⇉
If you’re on the website, go to your post, click the 3 vertical dots so that it expands, and hit the trash can icon.
Simple Gallery from Simple Mobile. Why? Because Simple makes apps that are exactly what they need to be with sensible features that are usable without being bloated. And maybe use Dropbox for cloud syncing if you don’t want to set up your own thing or use Google Photos.
On Android, I like Spotube. You can sign into Spotify if you want, and the app will interact with it, but uses YouTube as the source for streaming the audio. This is good if, say, you have a free Spotify account and aren’t at your PC to use the web player + uBlock.
Everyone’s said qBittorrent, and I agree. I found myself using an old build of uTorrent for a very long time (2.2.1, I believe). I finally realized it was probably a risk being so far behind. qBittorrent feels like old uTorrent, before it got extra bloated and scummier. It also adds a lot of features. Truly, qBittorrent is the answer you’re looking for coming from uTorrent.
Yep. That was my first thought - how everyone says to use Matrix rather than Lemmy DMs for anything sensitive. This will be fantastic.
Yeah, this would make sense. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few “piracy repos” you could add to your package manager. I’ve never thought to look haha.
I mean, you kind of just described two things that are specifically hard to get working properly on Linux in general - MS Office and the Adobe suite. You’re better off using FOSS alternatives, like LibreOffice and Krita or GIMP. Otherwise, you’ll need something like Lutris as a Wine frontend to install Windows apps - and at that point, you might as well just install stock Linux, get qBittorrent going, pirate what you want, and install as needed. Plus, I don’t think I’d trust the security of a modified version of Linux for piracy. That’s just asking to be exploited.
I read in another post a while ago that there was some issue with a Windows update that caused it not to register as Windows. It was then corrected in a subsequent update. So the Unknown bump is just Windows.
Edit for reference: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-202301-202307
It could have been you. I have a terrible memory. I just remember seeing someone comment that. I don’t really follow the Discord too much, but was a little more active over the last couple days in hopes to see a release date for the per-registration.
In the past, it’s been Android only. I saw someone comment in the Discord about LJD looking into converting the code to something iOS could use. No idea if they were being funny or whatever, but nobody seemed to laugh or refute that. So maybe he’s looking into it? I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up though.
Is there not going to be a lifetime pro (one-time purchase) option?
It’s just a pre-registration right now.
I’ve been checking the Play Store twice a day since the alpha testing started. I can’t tell if Google sent it back for some reason, or if they’re just really, really slow to approve.
Discord said the pre-registration should be live in a day or two. And that was 3 days ago. I’m impatient. 😂
I remember there being a YouTube video of some people that did it in a small town (or neighborhood) and made, essentially, a DIY neighborhood mesh network. I keep looking up stuff, and I’m only finding terms like “relay mesh.” If I find the YouTube video after a reasonable search, I’ll edit.
EDIT: Was the term WISP (Wireless ISP) network? It’s a setting you can do on your router and what the videos I was watching were talking about. The YouTube channel is Freethink, and they cover it being done in Detroit, NYC, and Dylan’s Beach.
I was on µTorrent for a long time on a really old build (like 2.2.1) because it got even more bloated and crappy with every new release, especially over 3.0. I realized, aside from missing new features and stuff, it was probably a security risk being that far behind. I made the switch to qBittorrent and never looked back. It basically took everything I liked about that old style build of µTorrent and brought it into modern times.
As a heads up, this posted 4 times.
Good, good. I’ve got some Rewards money to burn on the Play Store by mid-August. Hoping to get a Pro purchase in there. 👽
Bitwarden with a free account here, and it does everything I need it to do (and more than I’d expect for free). Between the app on my phone and browser addons/extensions on PC, I honestly don’t know what else I’d personally need from it (or any other password manager). Plus, it’s open source.
Plex or Jellyfin might be what you’re after.