I’m excited for this to start triggering anti-trust legislation
I’m excited for this to start triggering anti-trust legislation
Belladeez nuts
Fukkin gottem
Specifically that person probably contracts a law firm to handle the bureaucratic aspect, on an ongoing basis and a support team to handle low level issues.
Cheers, I was getting salty reading the op
He’s downloading cracks or cracked executables
The cracking groups aren’t exactly signing their work with a verifiable public key
They just said they were downloading arbitrary binaries to execute
Sort of. It asks as part of a series of questions on first boot when you sign up for a new account at the same time, but it defaults to yes, so idk if you would count that as opt-out or not.
Monitors also have power supplies, onboard for the higher end ones and outboard ones for the cheaper units.
It’s rare that the business would give them the slack to be able to, usually there’s plenty of intent
'The wind keeps blowing my wifi signal away ’ is more than enough information to diagnose the problem, and ‘the computer forgot my password’ is now a real thing since password managers started coming baked into browsers.
We are so far beyond parody of ourselves that i have no idea how the onion stays in business.
Our sonic ran out of toys for their wacky packs this week. Also lettuce, onion rings, pretzels, and limes.
I’m assuming they’re having a major supply chain problem.
Since some wsl features started coming with windows out of the box python has been pretty trivial to install. It’s a far cry from the conda/cygwin nightmare hell scape it used to be
Technically yes, but the thermal load of putting all those computers inside the other computers is generally prohibitive, and image quality once you get 3 monitors deep in the tool chain is poor enough you have to start making the text bigger.
Can’t imagine how this could be perceived as anything but retaliation for the EU daring to attempt to regulate Apple
If ace combat has taught me anything, it’s that there’s no reason we can’t do both
This is how field service jobs are written in my experience, yes.
This is not precisely accurate. These are individually addressible and can be commanded to change what’s displayed based on any arbitrary input, such as detection of a critical mass of apple products in that part of the store, or a device which is signed into a store account on the store app, accurate down to about 3 meters last time I looked at the state of presence analytics tech. So you absolutely could have 20% higher prices follow a person around a store if you wanted to.
Won’t somebody please think of the shareholders
Update your bios, grab a clean disk image before you go, nuke it from orbit when you get back and restore from backup.