Thanks for taking the time to explain it. Indeed the new runtime method does not guarantee when the resource will be cleaned, so something like that Drop trait would be quite useful
Thanks for taking the time to explain it. Indeed the new runtime method does not guarantee when the resource will be cleaned, so something like that Drop trait would be quite useful
Not sure if that’s what you are referring to as destructors, but they added a new way to have code run at resource collection in go 1.24
The source engine does not handle case sensitivity when loading assets from disk. On windows it’s not an issue but on Linux it will silently fail to load assets if the case doesn’t match. I lost so many hours trying to fix some weapon animation that had 0 seconds run time when porting a mod dedicated server to Linux.
For Android tv there’s also Smart tube next
It was designed to follow accessibility rules and not “ease of use”.
Hopefully you will never need such features because once you do, you realize most websites are designed without taking into account any accessibility and you are fighting it to do anything.
Some things may become annoying for the average user but they are a god send for people that need it.
I use mine to run VJ software and do light shows at music events.
Since the deck is a powerful computer, and the form factor is quite compact, I find it better than laptops for the task.
Depends on what you’re used to. I have lost too much time trying to get a python or js program to run on my machine.
Of course if the project is well written and with decent documentation it’s easier, but in general I have had too many incompatibilities with versions of the tooling and the dependencies which may be too ancient to work properly. On the other side, go code that was written a decade ago still compiles fine without thinking about it.
Hell I even had a js project that was working then 6 months later, without changing any code in it, wouldn’t build. Talking to a front end dev at work he immediately said “oh yeah node was probably updated and you need to do x and y to make it work”. Sorry but I have other things to do than massaging bad tooling to build this.
Btw, even containers are not a bullet proof solution. I had a python container straight up not work even though it was distributed like that.
I agree in general, if you need something specific then there is no way around it. But when I’m looking for something I evaluate all possible solutions, and being written in a language that has issues like this is a mark against it. Sometimes it’s easier to write the thing myself in some language I master than to wrangle python or Js dependencies.
In my experience there is rarely only one solution written in python or Js for my use cases.
You’re not wrong, but you have offended the python guys for suggesting they use something other than their toy language.
I personally look away when I find programs I want to use that are written in python. I don’t have time to play with all that BS just to run a small software on my machine. Go is my go-to (heh) but any other modern language would be fine.
Edit: the other comment below mentioning this did not load initially…
From the incident report it seems the impact was limited to VMs in one DC in one region to be stopped, as the power was lost. And some service degradation in the region.
So not that much impact. Of course resources in this DC would stop working, but the rest of the region was still working properly. If you built your infra in this region in a resilient manner, your services should not have been impacted that much
Funnily enough, the steam deck has been used during the conflict to control remote weapons. So they could be implicated in this if you go far enough
Wow, I didn’t know that being a Linux/open source contributor meant you don’t have to follow your country’s laws.
It’s developed internationally but devs still reside somewhere and have to abide by the rules at that place. Linux in this case being represented by an US entity means they have to follow the gov’s sanctions. If you want more or less of those, that’s where (the government) you act.
Not really. See the support page regarding this:
As a new default, your phone number will no longer be visible to everyone in Signal. You can opt to display your phone number. However, people who have your number saved in their phone’s contacts will still see your phone number, regardless of your settings, since they already know it.
They know my phone number. Which in Europe is tied to me. They absolutely hold info about who talks to who
Yeah that’s what I was wondering. Not really following us politics apart from the constant bombardment of it on Lemmy, so I’m also curious about what other candidates exist.
Just curious, which third party would you vote for ?
It’s a game of cat and mouse. I’d be willing if I needed to use win11 myself but for my parents it’s either gonna be Linux or a new computer
Yeah I work in tech and I’m the only one that cares enough to use Firefox. All my colleagues use chrome or chrome with makeup.
Maybe ad blocking will be what broke the camel’s back, but I doubt more than a few will care enough to switch.
I mean for privacy things it makes sense to avoid leaking anything. But I fail to understand where the danger is to have anonymous data that says a user installed “Ubuntu-24.04-wappity-whatever.iso” to “KINGSTON DATA TRAVELER 32GB” at some point.