Thanks. My win11 install is coming up. Looks like I may need this. Bookmarked
Thanks. My win11 install is coming up. Looks like I may need this. Bookmarked
Yeah what did he expect. It’s not a people’s platform anymore. It’s the owner’s. Better he be off and do his own thing elsewhere. Find better fields!
I use Vivaldi. I’ve been getting the ads mostly. I have to open YouTube in a private window and view from there. Do you have Unblock with scripts? My scripts only worked for awhile. The built in adblocking is just not working for me.
Ew that’s kind of messed up, isn’t it?
This was hilarious. “I am not mature…” 😆
Hi, I’m glad I came across this post! I have a super super old HP printer. They were the best. I have to say mine is at least 20 years old, pre-wireless. It’s recently had problems and I’m not sure I can fix it. I need a new printer.
I have heard of Brother printers but not always been one of the top printers - everyone likes Canon, HP, Epson.
I think I’ll look more into them because of the non-proprietary ink. The ink of these printers is sometimes more than getting a new printer itself. It does not make sense.
I’m mostly an HP person since the start, so I’ll still be looking into these too. Hope you have better luck with yours.
$12 million - a bargain for digitizing the collection for eternity.
We always knew that. What they don’t tell you is your phone is also secretly listening. “Ok Google” <- turn that thing off too
I’ve been with Namecheap so so many years. Highly recommended.
KeePass for me for the same reason.
I couldn’t stop spelling it Mastadon … I even spelled it wrong in my id I gave to people. 😀
This is becoming like the paid to win games. Whales take all.
I shut off asuch of Cortana on my desktop as I could. Not a wanted feature.
I have a Pixel 4a. They are small and cute. Easy to hold. But I sure would like a larger screen. My husband has one of the newer ones and the larger screen is easier for me to read.
If you are looking for a small and light one, the 4as are super.
I’ve looked at Obsidian but have you looked at Zettlr? I think I prefer it over Obsidian.
Nice to see that you’re getting your own thing going.
Modding (as long as it’s not hacker modding in like RDR2) makes the game personalized and so much more fun.
I wanted to play Diablo but Blizzard support hasn’t taken off the keyfob authenticator off my account, despite repeated requests. So I guess I don’t get to play anyway. Now I really feel like I’m not missing out on anything.
Does anyone else think this will go to court over copyright infringement? Purposefully similar name and same industry.
Manually save often. She learned the hard lesson all of us learn. I never rely on autosave anywhere. It does not always do it’s job.