Same here, just for gaming. Have multiple other computers for actual computer needs. Though admittedly, none of them are running Linux as the primary OS yet.
Same here, just for gaming. Have multiple other computers for actual computer needs. Though admittedly, none of them are running Linux as the primary OS yet.
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So… It’s a business
I’m all for it, but I’m not jumping on board to ev until the infrastructure is at a point where charging is as quick and easy and ubiquitous as filling up gas. Or at least closer than it is now. Then again I will admit I don’t have an EV so I haven’t been able to personally experience what that is actually like.
I could however see getting an EV in a two car household where the primary purpose of the EV is for commuting and just getting around locally. Anything beyond that though I would still feel more comfortable with gas or a hybrid.
Alright I’ll get the AI on the case to see if it can determine those things from your post.
This has been quite an exciting past few years in pasta
Well then. Neat.
So then you are really just paying for the label?
It sounds a lot more like you are actually tired of inconsiderate dog owners.
I have a dog. I think he’s great. I also realize that not everyone feels the same and I don’t bring him to places that are not acceptable for him to be. I also watch him when I am out walking him and do my best to make sure that he doesn’t approach people who may not want that kind of attention.
Yes people are using the phrase wrong, not assuming the president is “in line” too. It’s pretty obvious what they mean.
Come on, you know nobody is assuming the president is “in line” for the presidency. They are just counting from the president at 1 and using the term in line. The speaker is the third person to be president after the president and vice president.
This absolutely feels like a Hanlon’s razor type situation especially given what we have learned about Elon musk over the last 5 or so years. The whole evil genius shtick just doesn’t fly anymore. He’s an idiot who just happens to have made enough good or lucky business decisions in the past to get him where he is now.
As I said, no judgement from me one way or another. Also we have no way of knowing what kind of contract she had or whether there was some kind of morality clause. Maybe this violated it. Maybe not.
All I was saying was that, whether right or wrong, employment can be terminated pretty much anywhere in the United States for any reason as long as it’s not a protected thing, which this almost certainly is not. So saying something is or isn’t a fireable offense probably needs some context. Because anything could be a fireable offense if the company thinks it is.
I don’t know so I won’t speak to that, and no judgement of right or wrong here, but this is the US. Anything is or can be a fireable offense so long as it’s not one of a few specific protected things. In almost every state. So making a post on social media pretty much regardless of content can be a fireable offense if the company deems it so.
I’m glad it worked out for you. And I also know that my idea of it all can’t possibly apply to every single company that was or is a part of that whole culture.
I just find myself sceptical of it all since I much prefer to have my own time, and my own space as separate from work and the people I work with. And perks like that just very clearly seem designed to get me to spend as much time at work as possible.
I never understood that whole tech/startup culture. I would absolutely hate for my entire life to be my job. And from the outside all these “cool” perks are very clearly designed to get you to spend as much time working as possible. No thanks.
I would say though that it’s not really a great choice unless you are already pretty tech savvy. And these days, less and less people seem to even know how to actually use a computer, let alone one that runs Linux.
It’s just fanboys being fanboys. Doesn’t really matter what brand it is. I just think there happens to be many many more apple fanboys than there are for other brands.
This case is very local to me so I have been following a lot of the discussion about it.
Way too many people are too quick to call for this guy’s death or saying that he deserved to get shot. And I just can’t disagree more. But I do also get why people are sympathetic to the shooter though, cause he very much is also a victim in all this as well.
This guy though absolutely deserves consequences for these stupid “pranks” and he absolutely should not be earning any kind of money from this. Seriously fuck that guy.
I’m all for paying devs for their work, but I am still finding the pricing for the lemmy version of sync just too high. The ad free purchase is 4 times more than it was for the reddit app. And I get that there are probably less users so he needs to make up the difference, but there’s also way less content on lemmy than there was on Reddit, impacting the value there in my opinion.
I think it’s entirely possible that they chose to compare to a 3 year old phone not because they are only targeting those upgrades to people with 3 years old phones, but because it sounds a lot more impressive that way instead of just the smaller incremental improvements over last years model.
It should also be noted that Apple admitted at one point to purposefully slowing down older iPhones too, which very clearly was done to get people to upgrade. If that’s not planned obsolescence I don’t know what is.
You talk about them as if they are some benevolent entity, when that’s just very much not the case.