Reeks of desperation to bring back the porn after how literally every other mainstream platform has walked away from it.
Reeks of desperation to bring back the porn after how literally every other mainstream platform has walked away from it.
To add to this, self-hosting is also best when you minimize everything - limited service, with limited functionality, on dedicated hardware that doesn’t share access to your internal network or storage. Folks who use point-and-click apps to install a half dozen unauthenticated docker containers, all open to the internet, running on the same PC they store the only copy of their family photos and music/movie collection on… make me crazy.
Judge asks the hypernuclear question: “Have you tried NOT catering to Nazi’s and racists?”
Just download Signal. Cross platform, verifably E2E, and verifiably no data collected by Open Whisper (as per their submission in a lawsuit). Also, one of the authors/architects of Signal occasionally trolls the companies that provide mobile spyware.
As a little more background, the letter ‘X’ can be pronounced as “sh” in a lot of languages, turning tweets into ‘zits’ or ‘shits’. I like ‘Xitter’ as a pejorative, pronounced ‘Shitter’.
The problem is the CPU effort it takes to produce 100 Xits for your timeline, then search that list for everyone on your blocklist, remove those Xits, then possibly go back to the suggestion API to get more since there are only 40 Xits left, etc. etc. is cost prohibitive… Especially when you have millions of users with thousands of accounts on their blocklists.
Total newb question – don’t these CPUs support multiple clock speeds? You could set it high on install in preparation for compiling a bunch of software, then once you’re done, knock it down to 50% or less of the maximum to add longevity?
Maybe… Hearty Re-Starty?
Ticker Re-jigger?
Pumper Bumper?
Diarrhea: Soupy Poopy.
FYI, finding an incidentaloma and doing another scan 3 months later to see that it’s disappeared is also life saving. My mother had a lung problem, got some imaging done, they found a lump in her lung, and instead of going directly to poking it for a biopsy or surgery, they checked 4 months later, and saw that it resolved on it’s own. If it was cancer, they would have seen changes in it, and known it was something to be investigated further at the time of the second scan. Doctors need to manage expectations and refer people for therapy if they have anxiety around their health.
s/ran/run into the ground/
This meshes with the news that Boeing is run by accountants, not engineers, like it used to be.