I was just talking about this with a friend today. Musk was basically on track to become a real-life Tony Stark, exactly as he’d envisioned, but he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut and ended up ruining it for himself. Money buys many things, but it doesn’t buy respect - and once you’ve lost that, it’s nearly impossible to regain. The number of young and ambitious people he let down is simply staggering. I was really rooting for him and hoping he’d turn this around but after the nazi salute I no longer do. That was the last straw for me.
I have a friend I hit up about once a year, asking if he’d like to come out on our boat for the weekend. We spend a few days together, catch up like always, and then don’t speak again until the next year.
Also, what’s funny about this is that when I come home my SO asks about his family and I have no idea because we never discuss that.