YMMV… but in my experience that whole “time to maintain arch”-idea is overstated.
I defintiely spend less time on issues like “oh, there’s a bug. let’s role that update back and try again in 6-24 hours when it’s fixed” or “defaults changed in a new version, let’s take a quick look at the changes” on arch than on annoying bugs persisting for years in fixed distros. And that’s before calculating the whole “distro upgrade every otehr year”-stuff. Which likes to kill a whole weekend at least and barely ever works (followed by the same “oh, defaults changed” but now on dozens of components at the same time).
And because of that second point in particular even if archlinux wouldn’t be my choice I could never go back to a non-rolling release.
But at that point pihole is just a fancy web interface with some nice looking but for most purposes useless graphs. I just let Unbound filter stuff with the same filter lists pihole would use.