It’s quite simply what’s on people’s minds right now. It was a major event, it outlines some of the systemic inequalities, and people are interested in the subject.
It’s quite simply what’s on people’s minds right now. It was a major event, it outlines some of the systemic inequalities, and people are interested in the subject.
I will personally develop a toy that juuuuuust skirts the edges of their definitions called a dildon’t. I see a glorious market in my future.
Implying management is human work?
I posted another example above using leetspeak to bypass it, pretty silly.
And, playing around with another person’s leetspeak work around:
I figured I’d try what they said about having gpt read that article. Pretty funny.
Huh. I went back to the chat several hours later, and it appears to have finished the reply:
It still breaks if it tries to generate another response containing any of the names though.
I think a kneejerk reaction to reading something wholly wrong is to assume it doesn’t add to the conversation. I think we’re all conditioned to see someone we don’t agree with as clearly a troll taking the piss, rather than an opportunity to discuss.
Anyway, downvoted because it’s funny.
It’s spelled “fission” and has nothing to do with salmon hats…
I mean, yeah, privacy isn’t really a thing in our digital surveillance age. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna make it as hard as possible for them. Make em work for it.
That one wasn’t reeeeeeeeally writing at random though.
Security is, and always has been, a matter of making your shit harder and take longer to break. Any security is penetrable, given enough time and willpower, just make sure it takes longer than it’s worth.
If there are an infinite number of trials (either infinite monkeys or infinite time), the outcome is truly random, and the desired text is finite, it must necessarily happen at some point. In fact, it’d happen an infinite number of times.
The original thought experiment clearly states infinite. As soon as you bound that in any way (such as not infinite monkeys, but 1 monkey for every atom in the universe) you’re talking about another experiment entirely. Infinite means infinite, not really really big. Gotta use some critical thinking 👍
It also provides a raised grip for removing, but they could do both of those without THAT shape. Even rotating the hole 90 degrees would make it a little better on the key ring and still keep those marginal benefits.
I love the documentation.
Just… Why is it shaped like that? What possessed Samsung to make that design…?
Oh neat. This is all taxonomy that is well beyond me. My defense of calling humans monkeys is that everyone does it, and that’s how language works. Glad to know I’m correct too, technically lol
Ol Bill Shakespeare. He wrote Hamlet, one correct letter at a time.
To be entirely fair, apes aren’t monkeys. I don’t think that particular distinction is really all that relevant to the discussion, but technically…
Technically true, I think it still fits for the layman.
Gyrategun. Shiversword. Vibratevibrator. Fidgetfalchion.
The one near me no longer has people taking orders. To get food, you scan your card at a kiosk and order through a touch screen.