I’ve got a bell, spring, and pull handle. It’s genuinely amazing
Scottish loon sometimes in Caithness, usually in Edinburgh. Likes rugby, F1, reading, cooking, and irn bru
I’ve got a bell, spring, and pull handle. It’s genuinely amazing
I think unix signals are a bit lacking for your use case now. I’d consider having the daemon also have a web interface that you could then have the web server message. You mention systemd also, so could also consider MQ message queuing or D-Bus. Getting these to scale across computers isn’t as simple, hence my http suggestion initially. HTTP should also then be OS agnostic
Not my title, as I already said. But anecdata backs this up ime. Go ask your parents for a giggle, see what they say
Bots. But bots can be paid people these days
Don’t forget to glue it all together at the end. Real chefs use epoxy
Hey, aren’t you that starfleet officer that started out a goofy ensign?
If ever there was a starfleet officer who loved Java. It would be Brad. Followed closely by Spock I suspect
Test Driven Development. The route to programming nirvana includes a stop at this station
If you don’t know, ask a stupid question to yourself. Then ask it again in a more intelligent manner to a rubber duck. Then a real person. One of these three will give you an answer
TDD is the answer to the second part. Seriously, just try it. Don’t do it for every task after, but do try it!
Notes, tickets, knowleadge bases, READMEs, well written code that is easy to understand, tests that are descriptive, ADRs. Nobody can remember it all, the hard part of programming is making it easy for the next change. Remember it’s likely to be you, be kind to your future self
And imposter syndrome never goes away. And this is a good thing - “don’t get cocky kid”. It does get lesser though, and then you get more responsibilities! But really, if you aren’t questioning why and what you are doing, how do you trust your past self? Embrace the imposter, realise we are all imposters to a lot of extents
LTS is supported!
Installation the trouble. Roofing is expensive. Next time you have to redo the roof: then it’s time
I honestly can’t believe it wasn’t curses based already
I use EndeavourOS btw
Great to see OpenAPI being even more embraced. It truly is fantastic for multi-team engineering
Yet no planet to be found! And they’ve looked. I propose a micro black hole instead, much harder to spot with similar gravitational influences
CEO first please. He’s not worth it
This is clearly a tender fail. Byte code can be emulated for a fraction on that price. And it’s a two or three man job with a rota
Looks ready for actual use now, rather than tinkering with. Package management was my biggest gripe (URLs are literally what it used before). I would like to see TS as the first class citizen however, with JS being deprecated essentially.
F-Droid is the single biggest reason that Android is actually usable. And the only real reason Google aren’t getting sued for monopoly practices. If only ReplicantOS was more viable
:set color=blue
Only getting rid of them next year I’m pretty sure. And initial problems of reliability but not these days. With phenomenal thermal efficiency from tiny engines