“Till” and “until” are separate words despite having the same meaning. This meaning of “till” is actually the older word.
“Till” and “until” are separate words despite having the same meaning. This meaning of “till” is actually the older word.
FYI you can trim 80% of that. https://www.amazon.com/LEXiBOOK-Educational-Activities-Mathematics-Dactylography/dp/B0B6HKB3JF/ Amazon sure loves its tracking data.
Check the URL. The site clearly changed the headline after OP posted.
Community rules say to use the original headline.
The term you’re looking for is National Emergency Library.
Ah, a co-op install.
Wait, someone actually made Smart Pipe?
Wait, is that an Eternal Darkness reference?
Already posted in Technology: https://lemmy.world/post/4696864
A piece of internet history. So glad it’s been preserved.
Most of the Star Trek shows. Bring back Prodigy, Paramount.
Ah, rocket jumping. Of course.
Even with the low framerate it’s still highly inefficient and comes to 23MB. This is why you don’t use gif for video.
Before Gmail, my old Hotmail account had a whopping 2MB of storage, and others were similarly small. Gmail was a few GB right from the start, forcing the rest to compete and offer more storage.
And I’m commenting from it. So nice to have Sync back.
I’m so happy I’m not the only one to think of that scene. “Are you troubled by irregularity…?”
Check the section labeled “Appointment to CEO and resignation” on Eich’s Wikipedia entry. He also expressed some COVID doubting nonsense during the pandemic. To my knowledge Brave doesn’t have an official stance on any of this, but it’s not a good look when the CEO does (or at least, did in the recent past).
You missed the start of all this: https://lemmy.ml/post/24811284