Hmm that’s interesting… Let me know if you find it again, would you be interested in converting it in a short film script?
Hmm that’s interesting… Let me know if you find it again, would you be interested in converting it in a short film script?
It looks like how I drew cars when I was 5 years old (who am I kidding, it would probably still look like that if I attempted to draw one today).
Aren’t fluids and gases kinda the same thing in some aspects, just different mass? (Clearly, not a scientist).
It’s definitely made that accurate/creepy for marketing reasons, they’re probably hoping this will help them get investors. I would also assume you can simplify the human body design a good bit before losing the functionality we actually want from something like this.
I mostly watch in “VO” (like, I actually mostly consume English speaking content in general) but I’ll watch a dub a few times a year when visiting family or whatever. I can tell they’re putting a lot of effort into them and all but it remains a bit ridiculous especially if you’re familiar with the original material.
I mean that’s definitely true and all, but wouldn’t they also get a continuous fresh supply of single people (coming of age, breakups). Don’t get me wrong I totally get they want that and to keep the users hooked as well, because they’re greedy piggys, but still I don’t know if the business model is doomed if they don’t.
The unfortunate truth is while it’s skilled, it’s also a high demand industry which people want to work in. That means there’s an endless supply of bright eyed youngsters willing to do it for pennies while living at their parents (low expenses), and thus plenty of companies willing to abuse them. Another comment points out they’ll be looking for another in 3 months times and that’s probably accurate. At some point these companies realise “damn, maybe having to train up a newbie 3 times a year and having consistently shitty output because of it isn’t that great after all, maybe we should hire someone worth their salt even if they cost us more” and that’s where proper positions become available, but you have to find them.
Seriously? Dystopian shit.
Right? Wasn’t he super busy with “de-lizarding” and trying to be the cool friendly billionaire? That took a turn quickly lmao.
I guess we have most of the ingredients to make this happen. Software-wise we’re there, hardware wise I’m still waiting for AR glasses I can replace my normal glasses with (that I wear 24/7 except for sleep). I’d accept having to carry a spare in a charging case so I swap them out once a day or something but other than that I want them to be close enough in terms of weight and comfort to my regular glasses and just give me AR like overlaid GPS, notifications, etc, and indeed instant translation with subtitles would be a function that I could see having a massive impact on civilization tbh.
Yeah looking into it this morning I see that it’s only that some parents have forbidden their divorced spouses from posting pics of the kids online, basically you need to have parental approval (I know because the daycare asked us if we’d allow them, we don’t). So yeah I guess as long as the parents are doing it, it’s legal. Feels so wrong.
I assume that was already the case before, as far as I know that’s also not allowed here in my EU country (but I’m just making assumptions).
I was thinking tattoo…
Also you’re quite far away from the screen so even if it’s bigger you don’t need as much resolution.
Yeah that gpu is deep fried.
Ok but can we line them all up in advance and blow them all up at once? Film the whole thing from space.
TIL Gandhi is still alive and commenting on polish car collectors.
Canal has always been a terrible company from as far as I can remember. They had the best programs sure but their ultra-capitalist methods, the fact they were always involved with whatever scandal/corporate abuse and at the time the only channel you had to pay for always turned me off. Especially since France had great public TV and other private channels available for free.
You’ve left out the good old snitch, my understanding is they’re pretty darn strict with anything that involves women over there, so maybe someone from the hotel saw something and reported it.
Altavista baby.