Fuck you. I hate reading…this better be worth it.
Edit: okay. That guy is a freak. He is complaining too much about it for him not to be apart of it. Especially since that topic came out of nowhere.
Fuck you. I hate reading…this better be worth it.
Edit: okay. That guy is a freak. He is complaining too much about it for him not to be apart of it. Especially since that topic came out of nowhere.
so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions.
This happens so often it is crazy. A bunch of people got hooked up with high salary welfare jobs and now they got to justify their existence. It’s why they like having meetings where nothing productive gets done and they try out their boring ass jokes.
This reminds me of a joke…
A new monk arrives at the monastery and is assiged to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. When he looks closer, however, he notices that they are copying copies, not the original books. The new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out to the head monk that should there be an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies. “We have been copying from the copies for centuries,” says the head monk, “however, I must admit you make a very good point, my son.” The head monk then goes down to the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours pass and no one sees him, so one of the monks decides to go downstairs to look for him. When he arrives he hears loud sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old head monk leaning over one of the original books crying. “What’s wrong,” he asks the old monk. “The word is CELEBRATE!” sobs the old monk.
Nice. I feel the cycle is complete.
Is there an xkcd comic for when people find an xkcd comic for everything?
If only there was a way to get someone in between too old to function and just old enough to function…mmmmm
Oh well I guess it’s only 80 year olds or 18 year olds and NO OTHER CHOICE.
They ain’t wrong. You don’t need a lot of critical thinkers to get things done. You need motivated people and they motivated the hell out of their base.
Can I subscribe to more newsletter, please?
Not trying to defend the taste. I hate the taste of diet coke myself, but I don’t know what it is about that diet soda specifically. I have met many people in real life and through the internet that just fucking LOVE diet coke. Idk why, but they drink 3-5 cans a day. I am working with one now that had to stop drinking for health reasons and she was talking about how she missed the taste a couple weeks ago.
Diet Coke lovers are a dedicated breed.
Thanks for the tip. I just checked them out.
My wife always thought he was bullshitting. The church was trying a rebrand thing. They retired the pope that was in Hitler youth and got the cool ‘young’ still old pope that is more friendly towards gay people and dogs going to heaven. He never really felt legit to her.
I have to had so many conversations with people still thinking fast food is only for high school kids. It’s odd. If I say how will they be open during school hours, they make up some bullshit ‘get a better job.’ It doesn’t make snese. Most of these people don’t have good jobs and are lucky to be supported in their current lifestyle. They don’t see that though.
I try to push the point of ‘they are paying for your time and for you to be on standby.’ you don’t need to be actively moving all 8 hours. Your bosses don’t. I’ve seen so many waste of time meetings to justify their welfare jobs. It’s comical. They don’t produce value. They are leeches. Not all, but too many.
Every military movie, or movie that has military assets in the movie gets them for cheap (if not free}. The movie just has be get cleared as okay from the military. Don’t want to send the wrong message. It makes pro-military movies easier to make than something a bit more critical.
Why wouldn’t they trust Fox News over their own eyes? Fox News is the most trusted name in news. At least that’s what the viewers get told when they come back from commercial breaks. It’s not like Fox would lie to them. They are the most trusted name in news after all…
Circular logic at its finest.
Pretty sure that’s just all politics. Not that we were perfect before but Citizens United sold our process to the highest bidder.
Is that not working for school shootings? I thought we found a winner for a sec.
Just where each bin goes at the end of the pipeline. They streamlined it for efficiency.
I try not to let perfect be the enemy of good. She might not always be right. She might have done some political background dealing that we aren’t privy to. People will always compromise a little in politics. Try to understand that when you are looking for teammates.
You don’t have to stop. I never do. I might say hi in passing when I walk by them and catch eye contact. If one ever tells me I need to stop for them to check, I would tell them to check the security cameras. We are tracked the entire time we are in there. I’m not stopping for them to pretend to check for shop lifters.
I’ve seen people in line waiting to be checked. WTF is wrong with people. They are not entitled to your time. You already paid for it. The transaction is done. If they want to do something else with my stuff, go check the tapes.