It’s been deleted now 🤔
It’s been deleted now 🤔
For me it was because I was a broke (ignorant) college student who bought the cheapest printer I could out of necessity
“but we can’t protest, we have to pay bills!”
Voter turnout was 64% which means 36% of Americans didn’t give enough of a shit to vote. Combine that with those who did vote for Trump and yeah, more than 2/3rds of Americans may as well have voted for it
Edit: the distinction may not matter to you but it does to the countries your country is fucking over
If Canada renames Lake Michigan/Illinois to Lake Ontario 2: Electric Boogaloo, would Google label it as Lake Michigan (Lake Illinois (Lake Ontario 2: Electric Boogaloo))? What if Québec wants to spread some French to it too?
Edit: updated Lake Manitoba to Lake Ontario 2 because it’s funnier
How in the hell is wanting strong regulations the same thing as believing in racial suppremacy?
Also there are endless examples of countries with strong regulations and more than two parties
But why? Why should any other country care about the US’s ridiculous internal politics
It’s Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America) outside of the USA and just Gulf of Mexico in Mexico. Absolute insanity
Can confirm it’s both here in Canada where we’re not supposed to be a part of this insanity
Nah it’ll be Trump Coin. Gotta own the grift from the top down
I see “Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)” in Canada which is fucking stupid. Nobody outside of the US recognises “Gulf of America”
Yeah, what the hell is up with Outlook? My partner has an outlook email address and there’s more spam in her “focused” section than in her spam folder. It doesn’t seem like Outlook filters anything at all
MXRoute is what I use as my domain’s email server and it’s good enough. The included browser email clients (it offers multiple) are sort of trash but if you just use your own it’s perfect. It’s pretty cheap too
Apple did pay Xerox for it if I’m remembering right
Didn’t realise you weren’t American, sorry for assuming. Admittedly I’m very jaded right now (and a bit drunk) with all the threats of invasion and with Americans either laughing it off or being all for it (and I recognise that’s not all Americans but it’s enough). Like, “haha, Canada will turn the USA blue!”
And fine, yeah Canada is pretty up there for LGBT rights, but when one of the main platform points (imported from the USA!) from the Conservatives right now seems to be just straight up attacking trans people, it makes me pretty worried. I have multiple family members and a few friends who are trans or non binary and the rhetoric is scary.
But TL;DR, not angry at you, just America(ns). I apologise to the good Americans, but your country is exporting a lot of bullshit right now. More than usual
This timeline? Where the US is nearly the last of any western nation to legalise gay marriage?
And isn’t your country actively trying to work back any progress you’ve had in the last decade? Trans rights, queer rights, women’s rights, minority rights.
Also isn’t it Americans who are pushing the most for anti-LGBT legislation in African countries?
Canada is falling down the same hill when it comes to trans rights, and it hurts me, but I’m not out here saying that Canada is any sort of leader in the field. I recognise the issues my country has and I’m going to fight to fix them.
Knock off the American exceptionalism for one second and deal with the problems your country has
From Americans?
Oh mailbox seems cool. I’m personally using mxroute.com to host my domain’s email but to be fully honest, I’m still stuck on the Gmail for most things.
I mostly use my person domain email for things like a contact address on my résumé.
I want to switch fully to my personal domain email but mxroute’s web app(s) kind of suck 😅
Me being too lazy and putting off switching to Proton has paid off!
I have three Proxmox nodes named:
, and a partially decommissioned node aptly namedpve
acid1 was named from a sticker I got in a big collection. I was extra sold on the name when I did some research into acid1 tests.
freebones is from an inside joke from a GPT3.5 bot I terribly finetuned using my friend groups entire chat history. At one point the bot randomly said “algebra: you get free bones” and I kind of just ran with that