Silence Brand!
Silence Brand!
They don’t need it, says the privileged person using it.
Except you Elon 😘😘
You are what you eat I guess.
dude your still here replying and just repeating what somebody else already said you cant even find your own shit to say. nobody cares dude you are just projecting like the other dude acting like anybody cares about this.
You came back to continue this, so you clearly care… A lot.
why even reply to a jumble of words then. its fucking stupid.
Why bother posting when you only speak in gibberish? Especially when you hate Grammar Nazis so much.
oh and i really really really really care about your reply just to make that clear i take that shit very seriously like i take the internet very seriously so go ahead and entertain me.
I know you do, because you will reply to this comment, dance puppet.
The other guy was right, you do have run on sentences and a lack of grammar.
yes of course that’s why its 3 weeks later and not after your reply because i care so much very logical.
Yes, of course that’s why it’s 3 weeks later and not after your reply, because I care so much; very logical.
why would anybody reply when they feel like it when they log back in.
I look forward to your next jumble of words.
You replied 3 weeks later, I must have really bothered you.
Methuselah Management.
i have been on the internet long enough to know nobody gives a fuck about punctuation.
people absolutely do, you even used the term “grammar Nazi” and still made that comment 😂. Maybe get better.
Maybe this will stop them constantly asking me if I want to try Gemini… No google now fuck off
Love how people claim this is antisemitic. How did anyone know they were Jewish in the first place?
Was it because they were marching and spouting anti-Palestinian chants while acting violent and starting fights? Nooo…
Well the internet is for porn!
I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. I make my bed as my bedroom can be seen from the living room; sometimes I leave the door open. Otherwise I don’t care.
Unsure about the bacterial concerns you have tho. Feels like a non-issue as long as your sheets are changed frequently.
I think some people make their beds as to them the room looks untidy if they don’t, its just preference. But it is definitely a boomer generation thing, my parents were the same.
Watch as they still milk them to death.
They cannot improve these games, give them meaningful updates or expansions. But they have killed many of their competitors and further monopolised the industry.
The second Microsoft gains a market majority in the gaming industry they will employ as many scummy tactics as possible to wring every cent out of people.
You can go out and buy the latest beefy card and within months games will be released that demand more than it can provide. You can try playing last gen games on current hardware to avoid fps losses. But if you want to play the latest releases, you’re better off limiting graphical settings to allow good fps.
But in this instance post your specs and what you are trying to run and people here can provide suggestions. But you will eventually see fps drops anyways; that and a lot of games are poorly optimised which results in loss despite bonkers hardware.
Pay Samsung money to monitor your BMI, food intake, calories and dietary requirements; What an offer!
Fuck it, next year get the galaxy dildo, only $499.00 or $699.00 for the Ultra version.
Today’s fish is Trout à la crème. Enjoy your meal.
Today’s fish is Trout à la crème. Enjoy your meal.
Today’s fish is Trout à la crème. Enjoy your meal.
Today’s fish is Trout à la crème. Enjoy your meal.
I will.
Big businesses wont lift a finger to halt global warming, but the second their precious copyrights are attacked they go into full force.
Please let this happen.