March 2024… Useless data.
March 2024… Useless data.
Ah, the classic ad hominem to strengthen your argument. Truly brilliant! I have no choice but to concede to such a refined debate strategy! 🤌
I’d rather do something with impact anytime than find a convenient scapegoat now. If you disagree, your morals are beyond fucked up.
Maybe, but then it also makes it hypocritical as fuck.
You could say that for so many things in our comfy western world.
It is a bit daft to now blame it all on ai.
Sounds like excuses to me.
Ai is the way!
I think we are in the beginning phases of ai. It has already changed how we do many things, but we are still looking how to use the tech, how to integrate it, how to make products. All while the tech is rapidly evolving.
More strawmen.
I think your should stop believing in flat earth! That is such a stupid belief! You are stupid for believing it.
That is your straw man. And you keep attacking it…
Its kind of silly.
You are making things up, attacking a straw man . Why?
In on the part of the curve where im saving time because I’m using it.
As it is right now I agree. Except for the crypto part. Crypto I think is even more specific - as the solution in search of the problem. Ai already is capable to replace some existing problems. Cramming it into everything is more like . com than crypto I think. There is potential there. There is. It just seems stupid at this point.
I can tell you as a Web designer, that even now it’s crazy useful. It will only take a bit to take it over the edge to be revolutionary. And no one will be able to ignore it. Not even the brands that are riding the Anti wave now.
Just until it get a bit better, then everybody will be on the train again.
I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
It was a joke…
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I only saw the one text saying march