Basically anything else you use here in the west sends all data to Amazon-controlled servers. But they make sure its encrypted so only them can see it. Nice.
Signore dei mari, lmao
Basically anything else you use here in the west sends all data to Amazon-controlled servers. But they make sure its encrypted so only them can see it. Nice.
How is it with notifications and location nowadays? That’s my main concern about switching. SafetyNet or dog developers enableing “check if app installed from playstore” stuff?
Its not about nicely asking apple for “help” pre installing some apps, it is forcing them to open up the os to different software sources.
I don’t see it necessarely as a bad thing. I would rather have my gov id app (for taxes, id and driving licence, public services info) on my phone when i buy it, rather than candy crush and other fucking bloatware. I think it would also help a lot of non-tech savy users set up their phones quickly.
Second of all, gov ID apps having their own store on the side is good. Them being only available on google’s store makes it so that if you want to access public services from your state you have to go through google (?), it is clearly not acceptable by a government standpoint, It is even worse than a monopoly.
The article seems from 3 years ago, any news after that on the matter?
I would not be against all of this (being able to change device while keeping all app data, including logins would be pretty cool), if it wasn’t could based on Google’s servers. No thanks.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is an American government-funded international media organization that broadcasts and reports news, information, and analyses to Eastern Europe
During the Cold War, RFE was primarily aimed at broadcasting to Soviet satellite states, including the Baltic states, and RL targeted the Soviet Union itself. RFE was founded by the National Committee for a Free Europe as an anti-communist propaganda[8] source in 1949, while RL was founded two years later.
Guys you don’t understand this is how indipendent journalism is done
Do we have something like this for Asia as well? Like you never know they might run out of our garbage propaganda… Oh yes we do.
Edit: this stuff is worse than like CGTN or Sputnik, because at least those don’t try to hide behind “InDePeNdEnT jOuRnAliSm” when they are financed by the goverment that rivals the area they serve.
A lot of android apps rely on GCM (google’s notification servers), I assume Whatsapp is one. Signal does too, but I think it can use its own websockets when gcm is not available, same for telegram. Whatsapp probably not.
Some ROMs with no google services restore the gcm funciinality via microg. Graphene os, as far as i know, does not have microg.
This is the definition of an artic-ad
Huh? The money is going into the monopolies manufacturing the weapons at a 500% price for the government to send them. If you send them away you have to spend to make more of them (101 war profiteering basics).
Society if those devices had been the precursors of smartphones and not the closed box that were back then:
insert link of utopic generic city image
As listed on Zlibrary’s Wikipedia page
Huh? But I am assuming you do, so what is the issue here in counting it as a separate country?
Because there is too many ads
This. It’s a sensor, detecting only a specific air type. Not a camera, not a microphone. It doesn’t have to do with privacy, this is not “scan and collect data about all to punish one” and cannot be turned into one.
I’ll agree it’s a fuc**ing dumb idea. Like utter useless garbage. Classic capitalistic “fix behavioral trash-consumption issue with overpriced fancy tech products that sound amazing in theory and are garbage in practice, without fighting the problem at the root”. Screenshot comment said tax moeny but I’m willing to bet this is some kind of private school.
Also I disabled send a do not track signal as it is used for fingerprinting
Doesn’t this only make sense if it is off by default on that browser? I assume if it is on by default, most people will just keep it on, thus making users of that browser that turn it off stand out more. No?
+1 Following
Who would have thought the best security practice would turn out to be having devices too old to be updated with spyware? No jokes