I love EOS. I have both sway and plasma installed. I prefer sway, but sometimes I get frustrated with troubleshooting and I can use plasma as a safety net. I’ve only had to do it once, but it’s nice knowing it’s there.
Yeah, I just have one that launches blueman-manager. Not elegant, but works well. I only ever use BT on my laptop. So my desktop doesn’t even have it.
For music control I added a custom Spotify element to my waybar that shows now-playing, and lets me play/pause/skip/etc without having to go back to workspace 1. That’s all I need.
Tiling is just so nice once you get used to it. No more fiddling around with window placement.
I tried to do that when I started, but now it’s just habit. Super+Shift+# does most of the work.
My only complaint with the EOS configuration is the lack of Bluetooth on the bar. And the sound/screen brightness buttons don’t give any visual/audio feedback. I have some notifications imbedded, but they look and feel kinda janky compared to how nice and clean they are in Plasma.
Sway is it. I tried originally building it all up from scratch. It was fun, and taught me how all the pieces fit together, but now I just grab the EOS community dotfiles and make a few minor tweaks.
For me, it’s not a “workflow” that is sped up, it really just helps me remember where stuff “belongs”. Workspace 1 always has my Spotify, audio mixer, and discord/signal. Workspace 5 is gaming, etc.
Resizing and swapping window locations around is so simple with just super+mouse click/drag.
Thanks man, I’ll pencil in a spot this weekend to give it another go. I’ll hit you up next week if I can’t figure it out. Thanks a lot. I love lemmy for this.
I guess so… it’s been a while since I tried it to be honest. I ended up just opting for an additional NUC to use as my media playing PC, but if I could combine that with my “server” NUC, it would give me more a reason to buy new, more powerful hardware 😈
Hmmm… I’ll have to try again. I don’t have a windows VM, so I’ve just been trying to pass through my MX Linux VM that I use for watching media. I’m not worried about the GPU, so as long as I can send the desktop to my display via HDMI, I’ll be happy as a clam.
Regarding your “desktop” setup. I tried to do this, and have one of my Cams inside proxmox pass the gui out via HDMI to my monitor, and I could not for the life of me get it to work. All the googling at that time said it doesn’t work, but might in the future. Are we in the future?
I dont do much customization, but the endevorOS community edition has decent defaults.
Just working cleanly with tiling feels so good. You dont have to use the mouse to move all the windows around. But if you hold the super key, you can just drag windows around to make a perfect layout. But often than not, i just want 2 windows side by side, with no wasted space. Done.
Poor quality is fine, I really just want to catch a game or two that I’ve missed. Probably be listening to it more than actually watching. This looks perfect. Thanks!
Hmmm. I’m not familiar with mad titan. I haven’t been on the kodi train in a long time. Might be worth a look. Thanks!
Oh nice! That might end up being the solution then. Thanks for the reply
Damn. Looked perfect until I saw the date of the most recent replay: February 2024 (the Super Bowl)
I wonder if there’s a setting or filter I can’t see on mobile. I’ll check on my pc when I get home.
Thanks for the reply!
I’ve thought more on this yesterday, and I think my issue is-
I don’t want something that ‘just works’, I want to BUILD something that ‘just works’
The distinction is that I don’t want to buy premade solutions. I want to make them. Not because of the customizability, but because the fun is in the building. Think Lego- hundreds of people build the exact same product in the end, but why are they sold in pieces? Just assemble the damn things and sell them complete (with markup). You think more people wanna buy that?? I’d bet against it.
Hard agree. In fact, I think there’s a market for JUST the guides. It’s true that there’s a TON of guides out there already, from old blogs to YouTube, but the issue is: all of them start or end with: “your use case might differ, so perhaps this solution isn’t for you.” Or “make sure this setup is compatible with your specific hardware”
For example: I want to set up some sort of backup/cloud storage type system. Well there’s about 1400 ways to accomplish that. I can easily just grab one and go, but I’ll always wonder- should I have done this a different way? Would my life be easier/more secure if I chose a different set up?
So offering hardware that is compatible with whatever “stack” of services included would be a huge plus. Sorta like getting a raspberry pi and following a specific raspberry pi tutorial- you know the issues you get aren’t gonna be due to incompatibility.
I think it really boils down to the scale of one’s home lab- are you just tinkering to get some skills and make something cool? Or are you hoping to do something much much bigger? Different software solutions fit those extremes differently.
Sorry, got off rambling there. I guess I’ve been down the home lab hardware/software wormhole for too long these last few weeks.
Edit: I remember why - I wanted to use a single button dimming option, and as far as I can tell, there wasn’t that option in Shelly natively. There isn’t really a “native” version of this in Tasmota, but someone had already laid out the method to do such a thing with rules and whatnot within the Tasmota console. But after tinkering with it all this morning, I think I busted it beyond repair, so I might give the native Shelly a try!
Mostly because I’m lazy. This device was set up before Shelly made it so easy to run offline versions of the native firmware. And I’ve got a handful of devices already running Tasmota, so I’m just resistant to change.
Yeah, Tasmota has ‘setoption19’ to enable autodiscovery, and I triggered it, and it finds a whole host of SENSORS - but none of them are the switches. It does add one entity which is a single switch. But it seems this just correlates to switch1. I’m thinking it has something to do with how I originally set up the dimmer… it was years ago, so I guess I need to dig into my notes and see if I can figure out what options I set on it before I moved it to it’s current spot.
for reference, the data spit out by Tasmota: {“Time”:“2024-08-29T15:17:19”,“Switch1”:“OFF”,“Switch2”:“OFF”,“ANALOG”:{“Temperature”:35.1},“ENERGY”:{“TotalStartTime”:“2021-07-13T17:05:01”,“Total”:37178.152,“Yesterday”:0.000,“Today”:0.000,“Period”:0,“Power”:0,“ApparentPower”:0,“ReactivePower”:0,“Factor”:1.00,“Voltage”:117,“Current”:0.000},“TempUnit”:“C”}
Ooooh! Finally. I have needed something like this to control the volume on my media PC.
I used to have an automation that detects when my HVAC turns on, and it bumps the volume of whatever I’m playing up a few clicks. Then turns it back down when the HVAC cycle finishes. Super handy due to the crazy loud HVAC in my house.
yeah, it’s .storage/
There’s a bunch of stuff in there for sure, but nothing related to any of the add-ons. Some HACS stuff, some lovelace.config, but not a damn thing related to any of the containerized add ons.