Yes, presumably on hardware that’s just a bit too old or rare. Might be unlucky as Linux compatibility isn’t high up on OEMs lists
Yes, presumably on hardware that’s just a bit too old or rare. Might be unlucky as Linux compatibility isn’t high up on OEMs lists
I had similar stories getting Wireless Networking to work on some devices before. Good thing is, there are drivers for most, if not all, default hardware interfaces directly in the kernel nowadays and if a device has any sort of popularity it will be supported before long if it isn’t out of the box.
Same. I think those were streaming sites?
So they were trying to patch systems that use GRUB for Windows-only installs? What a load of BS. Why would anybody install GRUB to boot only Windows with that? Or am I overlooking something?
Furthermore, if GRUB has a security issue, they should’ve contributed a patch at the source instead of patching it themselves somehow. I’m a bit stunned at the audacity of touching unmounted filesystems in an OS patch. Good thing Windows still doesn’t include EXT4 and BTRFS drivers because they might start messing with unencrypted Linux system drives at this rate
I did as instructed and will find out if it was a mistake or not but so far it seems okay. But I guess switching bak is just as easy as swapping repos
I wonder if I can make my existing Thumbleweed installation a Slowroll one instead, without borking up everything
Just make sure to enable Airplane mode beforehand, to ensure your phone isn’t trying to connect to cell towers while it’s in a Faraday cage, because the added battery drain might prolong the charging process
The war of the dark patterns is waging on…
Is Helldiver’s anti cheat that bad too? am I at least a little better off running the game through Proton on Linux or am I just providing a compatibility layer to a rootkit?
I think we might have to get used to the idea of paying for software again, if we want to sustain the development of good quality, privacy respecting products