MD was superior to CD from a portability point of view, especially in personal players like the Walkman or car stereos.
I had a MD car stereo in around 1997. CD quality sound, without the jumping of a CD every time you hit a pothole.
Write that down! Write that down!
I already had dozens of reasons to never buy a Jeep. This is just the cherry on a shitty cake.
I work on PON and XGPON. Officially we work on a -25dB maximum, but I’ve seen circuits stable at around 30dB.
It’s surprising how many bad splices you can ignore before it gets problematic.
-18.5dB is going to limit you to either a really good fibre path, or a really short one. Unless you have options with long-range SFPs? The constant progress keeps my job interesting at least.
This is for PON technology. 1 fibre can be split 32-ways to feed, you guessed it, 32 customers. 50g over a fibre that is split 32-ways with a minimum of 15db loss is impressive.
I guarantee those 100gbps circuits are a single fibre all the way from the provider to the customer. And they are expensive, very expensive.
What a narc
Imagine all the people
Spoiler: they will, because fucking printers
Lucky for them, eh?
Holland is also flat as fuck
Go on
Lemmy see how this all plays out
It’s not about money, it’s about having a teeny tiny bit of authority over others in your otherwise meaningless existence.
Here in the UK, our exchange buildings have emergency battery and diesel generator backups so if power does go out for an extended period, then at least the head ends and exchange equipment will still function.
Even a relatively small building will have a backup generator with a 1000 litre fuel tank.
Netomnia is a company that uses Openreach’s infrastructure (poles,ducts,manholes) to provide their own FTTP network. The cables and fibres they provide are ownred by them, but they lease the duct space from Openreach in order to get it from their own headend to a customers premises.
There are dozens of these PIA companies all over the UK who have varying degrees of quality when it comes to building a network.
I’ve not seen Netomnias build, but I have seen others like Airband and Full Fibre who are decent, to the other end of the scale like Virgin and Digital Infrastructure whose work is shocking to say the least.
I personally have Airband and I’ve been very impressed with their price and service. If Netomnia offer a decent no strings package, it might be worth giving it a shot as Openreach or Virgin might not have plans to build in your area in the near future.
Source: I work in the industry.
Old habits die hard
This ain’t your first rodeo, eh?
But how will they know it’s from OP?
Its pretty well established what CP stands for.
Fucking cowards!