Fair enough
Fair enough
Overshoot? Then what, scrape the flour out from the sugar?
That’s not the point of my argument. My point is that Republicans warned themselves they would lose MORE women and minorities if they didn’t move away from harsh immigration discussions and conservative social policies.
And then Trump did the opposite and made gains with those voters.
Lest we all forget, Trump took the well considered Romney post mortem, threw it in the trash, pissed on it, then gradually built a coalition of, checks notes… White women and men of color. For fucks sake.
This is hard to verify on Google. What did he do?
Yield and volume are also very important factors.
Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak and a phony and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.
Even the argument as stated in the essay is pretty stupid. Yeah the John Kerry Sail Surfing angle probably won’t work on her. Sorry.
Don’t worry, he probably has some arrangement to only go like once. A month.
The business model for many many many businesses is to give the rich a good deal to encourage more business, and to give the poor a mediocre to poor deal, because they have less options and the volume is lower.
My client is not gay. My client is a straight man.
The trillion dollar problem is paying billions of pesky workers to work
Where’s my husband? - desperate housewives of silicon valley
Tourism is part of capitalism. You are correct.
God gave plenty more laws in the next few books of the Bible. The famous commandments about not mixing fabrics or cutting your hair? Yeah Moses of the Ten Commandments is behind that book too.
So if it makes sense to charge people in India 1/4 the people in the US why can’t we pretend we are in India? People travel to other continents for healthcare.
Nvidia makes a real product. An AI bubble might hurt them but probably not the same as the companies who have been buying their product.
Excel: a tool to make an ignored case that the data should be handled in a database
Still really valuable
A quick Google shows there expense ratio is 86% which I think isn’t horrible.